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Introduction tutorial to get started in Visual Basic.

Views: 1461 | Rating star | by Colin
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Building a Visual Basic Application

Building a Visual Basic Application

In this section, we are not going into the technical aspect of VB programming, just have a feel of it.

Views: 1456 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Writing the Codes

Writing the Codes

Basic tutorial on writing the code behind an interface.

Views: 1427 | Rating star | by Mark
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Working With Controls

Working With Controls

Learn how to work with controls in VB.

Views: 1346 | Rating star | by Isac
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Managing Visual Basic Data

Managing Visual Basic Data

Learn about the Types of Visual Basic Data.

Views: 1390 | Rating star | by Stephen
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Working With Variables

Working With Variables

Start learning about variables and how to store information in them.

Views: 1385 | Rating star | by Troy
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Controlling Program Flow

Controlling Program Flow

To control the VB program flow, we can use various conditional operators.

Views: 1407 | Rating star | by Ben
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

More on Program Control

More on Program Control

If you have a lot of conditional statements, using If..Then..Else could be very messy.

Views: 1364 | Rating star | by Brad
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic



Visual Basic allows a procedure to be repeated as many times as long as the processor could support. This is generally called looping.

Views: 1409 | Rating star | by Jason
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Introduction to VB Function (Part 1)

Introduction to VB Function (Part 1)

Functions are similar to normal procedures but the main purpose of the functions is to accept certain inputs and pass them on to the main program...

Views: 1300 | Rating star | by Donald
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Introduction to VB Function (Part 2)

Introduction to VB Function (Part 2)

Learn how to create your own functions.

Views: 1309 | Rating star | by Source
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Creating VB Function For MS Excel

Creating VB Function For MS Excel

Start using your VB knowledge in MS Excel.

Views: 1420 | Rating star | by David
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic



What are arrays? And how to use them.

Views: 1459 | Rating star | by Daniel
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

VB Overview

VB Overview

It can be very difficult to pick up a new skill, especially when the training material starts off assuming you know more than you actually do!...

Views: 911 | Rating star | by Marry
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Introduction to VB IDE

Introduction to VB IDE

Like any other Windows application, VB consists of multiple windows which appear at startup. The windows that are displayed when you start VB are...

Views: 946 | Rating star 3 | by Stephen
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic



A typical VB application might consist of more than one forms, each of which may have multiple controls. In VB, the information about each form...

Views: 935 | Rating star | by Amy
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic



Visual Basic forms are windows. It's an important piece of data because it ties the concept of a form in with everything you already know...

Views: 1044 | Rating star | by Mark
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Controls Overview

Controls Overview

Quick! How many controls come with VB? Can you list them? Well, it's not as easy as you might think.

Views: 914 | Rating star | by David
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Instrinsic Controls

Instrinsic Controls

VB comes with 20 built-in controls. In this section of the tutorial I provide a few comments about each one, trying to give some useful pointers on...

Views: 918 | Rating star | by Slicer
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

ActiveX Controls

ActiveX Controls

In the Learning Edition of VB there were only 4 ActiveX controls, but in the Professional Edition of VB, Microsoft has provided 20 additional...

Views: 936 | Rating star | by Donald
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic