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Setting up FTP connection in windows XP

Setting up FTP connection in windows XP

You do not want to buy any additional program for FTP? No problem you can always use windows build in feature for creating FTP connections.

Views: 583 | Rating star | by Jarry
Windows - Tips

Boot windows XP quickly

Boot windows XP quickly

If your window is slow, and needs a lot of time to boot, go over this tutorial and learn how to improve speed of windows XP booting.

Views: 614 | Rating star | by Sean
Windows - Tips

Recover data from registry hive error using Ubuntu

Recover data from registry hive error using Ubuntu

Recover data from registry hive error using Ubuntu and getting rid of blue screen of death

Views: 585 | Rating star | by Troy
Windows - Tips

Change the font size in Windows Vista

Change the font size in Windows Vista

Some people might have problems reading the text of the icons and menus in Windows Vista. The font size can be too small and making it bigger might...

Views: 587 | Rating star | by Mathew
Windows - Tips

Optimizar Windows Vista

Optimizar Windows Vista

En este tutorial veremos distintas formas de hacer mas amena y rápida la Vista Experience.

Views: 557 | Rating star | by Stephen
Windows - Tips

Enhance Desktop

Enhance Desktop

Q: Some of you who have worked with me have asked what do I run on my Desktop? Why it looks a bit different! A: Here are all the secrets, well,...

Views: 627 | Rating star | by John
Windows - Tips

Wireshark Tutorial: Find Youtube FLV File

Wireshark Tutorial: Find Youtube FLV File

This is sort of an advanced tutorial so I doubt a whole lot of people will be able to understand it well, but its worth it if you want to save time...

Views: 592 | Rating star | by Brad
Windows - Tips

Optimize Youtube Videos With Virtual Dubb

Optimize Youtube Videos With Virtual Dubb

How to optimize videos using virtual dubb and then how to dub the videos to make the people in the video say whatever you want.

Views: 586 | Rating star | by Source
Windows - Tips

VLC: Free Tiny DVD Player and Media Player

VLC: Free Tiny DVD Player and Media Player

Learn how to use VLC player to play dvds. Dont you hate widescreen dvds giving you that long empty black strip above and below your movies? Learn...

Views: 568 | Rating star | by Sarah
Windows - Tips

Create windows shutdown shortcut

Create windows shutdown shortcut

You can easily shutdown windows by clicking on the icon that you can make.

Views: 610 | Rating star | by Daniel
Windows - Tips

Sing Multipart Audio With Perfect Timing and Pitch

Sing Multipart Audio With Perfect Timing and Pitch

I am definitely not a vocalist but I am sure theres many that like to sing or experience the fun of creating harmonic music alone.

Views: 564 | Rating star | by Troy
Windows - Tips

How to watch videos as a layer on top of work

How to watch videos as a layer on top of work

Enables users to watch videos as a small window in any part of their screen. Great for those with large monitors. The video stays always on top.

Views: 608 | Rating star | by Jarry
Windows - Tips

Disable Visual Effects to Speed Up Windows XP

Disable Visual Effects to Speed Up Windows XP

If you are running Windows XP on a slower computer you may want to turn off all the excess visual effects. These effects can look appealing, but...

Views: 624 | Rating star | by Source
Windows - Tips

Computer Tutorials Tips and Tricks

Computer Tutorials Tips and Tricks

How to install Vista on a computer with Windows XP running and viceversa and choose from which operating system booting from

Views: 632 | Rating star | by Mathew
Windows - Tips

Video Tutorial: Play music when you perform an action! (Windows)

Video Tutorial: Play music when you perform an action! (Windows)

In this tutorial, I teach you how to make Windows play music or sounds (.wav files) when you perform an action such as opening or closing a window.

Views: 652 | Rating star | by Sean
Windows - Tips

Build your first application with VB Express 2005

Build your first application with VB Express 2005

Unfamiliar with Visual Basic 2005? This tutorial will walk you through making a very simple application. You will learn how to build the...

Views: 590 | Rating star | by John
Windows - Tips

How to reset your Windows Vista password

How to reset your Windows Vista password

After you install Windows Vista on your PC or you change the password of your user account, it is a good idea to create a password reset disk. This...

Views: 623 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Windows - Tips

Computer Wide Folder Viewing Options

Computer Wide Folder Viewing Options

Use this tutorial to set all the folder on your computer to look the same automatically. It will set all of them to lok the same, as well as all...

Views: 603 | Rating star | by Stephen
Windows - Tips

Make an invisible folder on the desktop

Make an invisible folder on the desktop

This tutorial will show you how to use common Windows options to make a folder completely invisible.

Views: 605 | Rating star | by Steve
Windows - Tips

How to configure the virtual memory in Windows Vista

How to configure the virtual memory in Windows Vista

If you don't have too much RAM installed on your system it can be a good a idea to increase the size of your virtual memory. If you are like...

Views: 603 | Rating star | by Stephen
Windows - Tips