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A short tutorial on WSDL

A short tutorial on WSDL

Web Services Description Language is the standard format for describing a web service in XML format. In this tutorial you will learn what is WSDL...

Views: 1010 | Rating star | by Simon
XML - Web Services

A small tutorial on SOAP

A small tutorial on SOAP

SOAP is a simple and open standard XML-based protocol for exchanging information between computers. In this tutorial you will learn what is SOAP...

Views: 1087 | Rating star | by Simon
XML - Web Services

A Small tutorial on XML-RPC

A Small tutorial on XML-RPC

XML-RPC is the simplest XML-based protocol for exchanging information between computers. In this tutorial you will learn what is XML-RPC and Why...

Views: 1037 | Rating star | by Slicer
XML - Web Services

Defining Data with DTD Schemas

Defining Data with DTD Schemas

This tutorial introduces you to schemas, including the two major types that are used to define data for XML documents. This tutorial explores the...

Views: 1098 | Rating star | by David
XML - Introduction to XML

Digging Deeper into XML Documents

Digging Deeper into XML Documents

In this tutorial, you'll learn, how to document your XML code with comments, how characters of text are encoded in XML, all about entities and...

Views: 965 | Rating star | by Brad
XML - Introduction to XML

Putting Namespaces to Use

Putting Namespaces to Use

In this tutorial, you'll learn: importance of namespaces, how namespace names are guaranteed to be unique, declaration and reference...

Views: 990 | Rating star | by Donald
XML - Development

Using SVG to Draw Scalable Graphics

Using SVG to Draw Scalable Graphics

This tutorial includes the following: why to use SVG, configure your browser to handle the SVG format, the basics of shapes, lines, and colors;...

Views: 1066 | Rating star | by Isac
XML - Miscellaneous

Using XML Schema

Using XML Schema

This tutorial introduces you to XML Schema and shows you how to create XSD schemas that can be used to validate your own documents.

Views: 1113 | Rating star | by Mark
XML - Introduction to XML

Validating XML Documents

Validating XML Documents

This tutorial shows you how to use various tools to validate documents against a DTD or XSD.

Views: 997 | Rating star | by Ben
XML - Miscellaneous

XML Formatting Strategies

XML Formatting Strategies

In this tutorial, you'll learn: the basics of style sheets and XML formatting; when and why to use CSS and XSL on the Web; the practical...

Views: 1001 | Rating star | by Brad
XML - Style Sheets

Transforming XML with XSLT

Transforming XML with XSLT

In this tutorial, you'll learn: more details about the XSLT style sheet language; process and sort nodes in an XSLT style sheet; use patterns...

Views: 957 | Rating star | by Marry
XML - Style Sheets

Formatting XML with XSL-FO

Formatting XML with XSL-FO

In this tutorial, you'll learn: what XSL-FO is and how it came to be; about the nuts and bolts of the XSL-FO language; validation of XSL-FO...

Views: 1041 | Rating star | by Sarah
XML - Miscellaneous

SAX: The Simple API for XML

SAX: The Simple API for XML

In this tutorial, you'll learn; what SAX is and how it works; how to get a SAX parser for your favorite programming language; how to write a...

Views: 1052 | Rating star | by Slicer
XML - Parsing

Querying XML Data with XQuery

Querying XML Data with XQuery

In this tutorial, you'll learn: what XQuery is; how to write queries using XQuery; what the Saxon XQuery processor has to offer; how to...

Views: 1003 | Rating star | by Stephen
XML - Database Related

XML Within the Enterprise

XML Within the Enterprise

XML can be used to create text documents that contain data in a structured format. In addition to the data, you can include a detailed set of rules...

Views: 1034 | Rating star | by David
XML - Introduction to XML

Markup Languages

Markup Languages

A markup language uses special notation to mark the different sections of a document. In HTML documents, for example, angle brackets (<>) are used...

Views: 1010 | Rating star | by Adam
XML - Introduction to XML

Structure of an XML Document

Structure of an XML Document

The structure of an XML document can be defined by two standards. The first standard is the XML specification, which defines the default rules for...

Views: 947 | Rating star | by Troy
XML - Introduction to XML

An Introduction to Document Type Definitions

An Introduction to Document Type Definitions

We will make a document template for creating XML documents that can be viewed in Web browsers as HTML documents. In this tutorial, we will create...

Views: 944 | Rating star | by Ben
XML - Introduction to XML

Entities and Other Components

Entities and Other Components

In this tutorial, we will look at some additional components that can be added to the DTD. The focus of this tutorial will be entities, which are...

Views: 1011 | Rating star | by Source
XML - Introduction to XML

XML Namespace, XPath, XPointer, and XLink

XML Namespace, XPath, XPointer, and XLink

In this tutorial we will look at four of the XML specifications: XML Namespaces, XML Path Language (XPath), XML Pointer Language (XPointer), and...

Views: 1014 | Rating star | by Sarah
XML - Introduction to XML