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Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and Conditions in JavaScript

Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and Conditions in JavaScript

The tutorial walks you through the primitive data types in JavaScript, such as strings and numbers Arrays. Moreover, it takes you through the...

Views: 3794 | Rating star 3 | by Niraja Mulye
Javascript - AJAX

Including the contents of an external page using Ajax

Including the contents of an external page using Ajax

This tutorial looks at how to use Ajax to dynamically include the contents of an external page onto the current one automatically each time the...

Views: 1141 | Rating star | by Jason
Javascript - AJAX

Dynamic Ajax content

Dynamic Ajax content

See how to load and display external pages inside a DIV without reloading the page by using Ajax. Also see how to load external .css or .js files...

Views: 1184 | Rating star | by Stephen
Javascript - AJAX

Creating an RSS JavaScript ticker

Creating an RSS JavaScript ticker

This tutorial shows you how to combine a simple PHP script with Ajax and JavaScript to create a live RSS ticker!

Views: 1180 | Rating star | by Source
Javascript - AJAX

Fading RSS Ticker (Ajax invocation)

Fading RSS Ticker (Ajax invocation)

This powerful RSS ticker script lets you easily display any RSS content on your site in a ticker fashion! It uses a common PHP based RSS parser...

Views: 1064 | Rating star | by Simon
Javascript - AJAX

Learn AJAX in 20 minutes

Learn AJAX in 20 minutes

Here is a quick overview and example of AJAX in action. Before you begin, this example will only work in FireFox. You’ll have to change few...

Views: 1184 | Rating star | by Adam
Javascript - AJAX

Basic Ajax Routine

Basic Ajax Routine

Regardless of what you do using Ajax, they all rely on the same basic functions. This is a very small Ajax routine (less than 3 Kb) that enables...

Views: 1138 | Rating star | by Jarry
Javascript - AJAX

Ajax Rotating Includes script

Ajax Rotating Includes script

This script lets you input a list of external pages for the script to choose and selectively include one onto the current page, using Ajax. You can...

Views: 1181 | Rating star | by David
Javascript - AJAX

Ajax Includes script

Ajax Includes script

This script uses Ajax (DHTML interacting with the server) to let you dynamically include the contents of an external page onto the current document.

Views: 1168 | Rating star | by Colin
Javascript - AJAX

Ajax XML ticker (txt file)

Ajax XML ticker (txt file)

This is an Ajax enhanced ticker script that lets you use a text file as the contents of the ticker to show! Easily define your messages, which...

Views: 1089 | Rating star | by Brad
Javascript - AJAX

Ajax Tabs content

Ajax Tabs content

This tab content script uses Ajax to let you display a selection of external content on your page inside a DIV and via CSS tabs.

Views: 1226 | Rating star | by David
Javascript - AJAX

AJAX function to retrieve content from the server

AJAX function to retrieve content from the server

Very simple AJAX function. Works great with PHP/MySQL to retrieve database content.

Views: 1128 | Rating star | by Steve
Javascript - AJAX

Adding AJAX to a Website step by step

Adding AJAX to a Website step by step

This tutorial covers taking an existing web application and adding AJAX to it. HTML_AJAX, a PHP AJAX library from the PEAR project is used.

Views: 1231 | Rating star | by Mathew
Javascript - AJAX

AJAX Hello World!

AJAX Hello World!

If you have ever written a piece of code in your life, then odds are you started out with a program just like this. This very simple tutorial will...

Views: 1272 | Rating star | by Source
Javascript - AJAX

Google AJAX Suggest Tutorial

Google AJAX Suggest Tutorial

If you have ever seen Google Suggest and though 'how did they do that?' this tutorial is for you. It will show you step by step the...

Views: 1216 | Rating star | by Isac
Javascript - AJAX

Load content from PHP script using AJAX - Easy Guide

Load content from PHP script using AJAX - Easy Guide

Load content using javascript from an PHP backend script - An Easy Guide with full example.

Views: 1141 | Rating star | by Sarah
Javascript - AJAX



This example shows how to use AJAX to implement a basic chat system on a website. It refreshes the chat transcript using AJAX to maintain a...

Views: 1172 | Rating star | by Donald
Javascript - AJAX

Ajax - jQuery Content Loading from Extrenal File

Ajax - jQuery Content Loading from Extrenal File

Using jQuery (Lightweight JS Library) to load content from an external PHP file!

Views: 1207 | Rating star | by Daniel
Javascript - AJAX

Your First AJAX Application

Your First AJAX Application

This is a simple tutorial that will teach you the basics of AJAX. There are step by step instructions written to assist you on your first...

Views: 1165 | Rating star | by Steve
Javascript - AJAX

Display content dynamically with AJAX

Display content dynamically with AJAX

Shows you how to design a commenting system where visitors of your website can leave a comment on a news post. The form for submitting a comment...

Views: 1149 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Javascript - AJAX