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Using External JavaScript to Create Dynamic Content

Using External JavaScript to Create Dynamic Content

Create the script once and reference in any number of ways. The example goes into Date Stamps, News, Quotes, etc. One file to update and one line...

Views: 1036 | Rating star | by Stephen
Javascript - Randomizing

Generating a random number in JavaScript

Generating a random number in JavaScript

A random number is useful- if not required- in the creation of many popular JS applications, such as a dice, random image script, or random link...

Views: 1116 | Rating star | by Ben
Javascript - Randomizing

Generating weighed random numbers in JavaScript

Generating weighed random numbers in JavaScript

Learn how to generate weighed random numbers in JavaScript, so some show up more often than others.

Views: 1005 | Rating star | by Mathew
Javascript - Randomizing

Random Image Link

Random Image Link

Need to place a random image on your page that when clicked will bring the visitor to another website? This tutorial will show you how to do just...

Views: 1008 | Rating star | by Simon
Javascript - Randomizing

Text Slideshow

Text Slideshow

Display a random quotation alternated every 5 seconds, in an infinite loop

Views: 965 | Rating star | by Adam
Javascript - Randomizing

Random 404 Error Pages

Random 404 Error Pages

Learn how to create error pages that display random messages to the visitor.

Views: 966 | Rating star | by John
Javascript - Randomizing