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Change a photos Background

Change a photos Background

In this tutorial learn how to remove and change a photos background.

Views: 366 | Rating star | by Steve
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Creating Warm Light

Creating Warm Light

Warm light conveys feelings of security, comfort, and relaxation - all the qualities you'd want from a new home. Exploiting this link with...

Views: 352 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Powerpuff Girl

Powerpuff Girl

Re-create a powerpuff girl character from the popular cartoon series

Views: 408 | Rating star | by Donald
Photoshop - Drawing

Moving Camera In Tunnels

Moving Camera In Tunnels

Learn how to move the camera through a tunnel in animation.

Views: 739 | Rating star | by Tutorial
3DS MAX - Modeling

Making a Shelf

Making a Shelf

Create a shelf for placing objects on.

Views: 750 | Rating star | by Nick
3DS MAX - Modeling

Applying Physique to a Biped

Applying Physique to a Biped

Learn about applying physique to a biped.

Views: 1002 | Rating star | by Troy
3DS MAX - Basics

Creating Footsteps

Creating Footsteps

Create footsteps for a walking animation.

Views: 966 | Rating star | by Isac
3DS MAX - Animation

Creating Drawers

Creating Drawers

Create drawers from scratch in 3DS Max.

Views: 744 | Rating star | by John
3DS MAX - Modeling

Animated Presentation

Animated Presentation

In this tutorial, you will be guided and assisted in a step-by-step manner to create a GIF presentation, using Adobe Photoshop.

Views: 653 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Animation

3D Text Rotation

3D Text Rotation

In this tutorial you will learn how to create an animated GIF file that is rotating around a 3D ball. You will do all of this using Adobe Photoshop...

Views: 645 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Animation

Rectangles Layout

Rectangles Layout

Create a great looking rectangled web layout.

Views: 474 | Rating star | by David
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Puzzle Pattern

Puzzle Pattern

Apply a puzzle/jigsaw pattern to your photo.

Views: 506 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Image in Input fields for form

Image in Input fields for form

You can spice up a login form with images inside the input fields. Include icons inside the login form and show what is supposed to be inside the...

Views: 870 | Rating star | by Ben



This tutorial is going to show you how to finally put your toon car together so everything stays with the body when you move it. To follow the...

Views: 1683 | Rating star | by Mathew
Blender 3d - Basics

Design an antique-style analog clock

Design an antique-style analog clock

Learn design techniques while creating a beautiful analog clock, an antiquated one. Plus, there is a little bit of simple ActionScript to put...

Views: 412 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Actionscripting

Projected Shadows

Projected Shadows

Obtaining a good shot of a shadow interacting with your subject can be difficult, especially considering that you can cast shadows too... but why...

Views: 341 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Creating a Curtain Style Navigation Header

Creating a Curtain Style Navigation Header

In this tutorial, you will create a web site header to appear as a number of pulled back curtains.

Views: 502 | Rating star 3 | by Marry
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Create a Logo With a Beehive and Honey

Create a Logo With a Beehive and Honey

In this tutorial, you will create a logo to resemble a beehive and include a honey drop.

Views: 489 | Rating star | by Donald
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Simple PHP mailing list

Simple PHP mailing list

Simple mailing list subscription and unsubcription script. Commented code for easy understanding. No databases required. List of emails will be...

Views: 939 | Rating star | by Isac
PHP - Mailing List Management

Alpha Text Effect

Alpha Text Effect

Learn how to make a professional Alpha text effect.

Views: 672 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Text Effects