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Advertising a New Website

Advertising a New Website

Before you read on, this guide is for smaller based sites, there's no major advertising techniques involved here, so if you have a big site...

Views: 1507 | Rating star | by John
Marketing - Websites

Adding Google™ Maps To Your Site

Adding Google™ Maps To Your Site

This tutorial will guide you through setting up Google Maps on your site and show you several different ways of presenting it.

Views: 1208 | Rating star | by Marry
Javascript - Miscellaneous

How To Redirect A Webpage

How To Redirect A Webpage

This tutorial explains how to use the Meta Tag 'Refresh' to redirect to a different URL.

Views: 712 | Rating star | by Colin
HTML - Getting Started

Empty Shadow

Empty Shadow

This technique will create a drop shadow that makes your text look like it's 3-D.

Views: 400 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Text Effects

Drag & Drop In Flash

Drag & Drop In Flash

Learn how to make a movie clip draggable.

Views: 528 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Getting Started

Cool Black Chrome Text Effect

Cool Black Chrome Text Effect

In this tutorial, you will create a cool black chrome, metallic effect that can be used on your text (or shapes).

Views: 511 | Rating star | by John
Photoshop - Text Effects

Creating Chocolate Candy Text Effect

Creating Chocolate Candy Text Effect

In this tutorial, you will apply some effects to your text to give them a chocolate candy effect.

Views: 425 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Text Effects

Creating Eye Opener Rollover Button

Creating Eye Opener Rollover Button

In this tutorial, you will create a basic web button that has a rollover eye effect.

Views: 582 | Rating star | by Adam
Photoshop - Buttons

Basic Ajax Routine

Basic Ajax Routine

Regardless of what you do using Ajax, they all rely on the same basic functions. This is a very small Ajax routine (less than 3 Kb) that enables...

Views: 1139 | Rating star | by Jarry
Javascript - AJAX

Ajax Rotating Includes script

Ajax Rotating Includes script

This script lets you input a list of external pages for the script to choose and selectively include one onto the current page, using Ajax. You can...

Views: 1184 | Rating star | by David
Javascript - AJAX

Ajax Includes script

Ajax Includes script

This script uses Ajax (DHTML interacting with the server) to let you dynamically include the contents of an external page onto the current document.

Views: 1170 | Rating star | by Colin
Javascript - AJAX

YUI Color Picker script

YUI Color Picker script

This versatile color picker script is based on Yahoo's excellent UI library, and features a fully interactive, drag and drop interface to...

Views: 962 | Rating star | by Sarah
Javascript - Miscellaneous

Comprehensive guide to .htaccess

Comprehensive guide to .htaccess

.htaccess is a mysterious file on your server that can do wonders for your site. Get the lowdown on .htaccess and how to use it to customize your...

Views: 896 | Rating star | by Troy
Linux - Administration

Introduction to

Introduction to

Dictate what search engines such as Google and other crawlers can -and cannot- crawl on your site, through a magical little file called...

Views: 1561 | Rating star | by Tutorial
SEO - Search Optimization

Style html lists with css

Style html lists with css

Html lists can be formated differently with very simple tricks. First you can use either bullets or numbers for your the lists. Secondly you can...

Views: 854 | Rating star | by Tutorial

Glass orb

Glass orb

The following is a very basic tutorial on how to create a reflective marble, or glass orb. Upon reading my laser tutorial it seems more people were...

Views: 766 | Rating star | by Adam
3DS MAX - Modeling

Rain drops

Rain drops

Learn how to make photorealistic rain drops.

Views: 798 | Rating star | by Nick
3DS MAX - Effects

Realistic Jewelry

Realistic Jewelry

Some people asked me how I made this jewelry image, so I decided to show you some step by step instructions for building something similar.

Views: 720 | Rating star | by Donald
3DS MAX - Modeling

Minimalistic logo design

Minimalistic logo design

Create a subtle and minimalistic logo that will look good for all type of companies.

Views: 441 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Photoshop - Web Graphics

The Tank: Part 2: Rotating and Shooting the Cannon

The Tank: Part 2: Rotating and Shooting the Cannon

In this Flash tutorial you will learn how to make the cannon on the tank rotate wherever the mouse is pointing and shoot whenever the left mouse...

Views: 652 | Rating star | by Slicer
Flash - Games