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Old Video Camera Icon

Old Video Camera Icon

Create an old video camera icon using various selection tool.

Views: 312 | Rating star | by Adam
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Guided motion tween animation - create an air chase!

Guided motion tween animation - create an air chase!

You will see how easy it is to make an airplane chase another one with this easy lesson. You'll create a motion guide layer with a motion...

Views: 607 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Animation

Recreate Xtreme-piXel's Logo

Recreate Xtreme-piXel's Logo

Very detailed tutorial that will explain step by step how to recreate Xtreme-piXel's old logo using shapes.

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Marry
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Broken Me

Broken Me

Learn how to create an awesome effect, where you can make a person appear as if they are broken apart as if a puzzle or ripped pieces of paper.

Views: 310 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Half Tone Pixel Look

Half Tone Pixel Look

Take a photo and give it a half tone, pixelated feel that can take a beautiful photo and make it even better with this neat effect.

Views: 309 | Rating star | by Troy
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Ruby and MySql

Ruby and MySql

This tutorial shows how to use the mysql-ruby module to access MySql databases from Ruby.

Views: 1532 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Ruby on Rails - Database Related

Curve lines

Curve lines

Learn how to create a curve lines using Action Script.

Views: 329 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Actionscripting

Shape effect

Shape effect

This tutorial will show you how to create some shape effect using Shape Hint.

Views: 488 | Rating star | by Mathew
Flash - Getting Started

 Mental Ray lighting, using GI and FG

Mental Ray lighting, using GI and FG

In this tutorial you'll learn how to make a realistic render using Mental Ray with Global Illumination (GI) and Final Gather (FG), it's...

Views: 991 | Rating star 3 | by Marry
3DS MAX - Lighting

Reactor basics

Reactor basics

Have you ever wanted to animate a car crash or any objects colliding, flying through the air. If you've tried that you know it's very...

Views: 1070 | Rating star | by John
3DS MAX - Reactor

Landscape with grass (video)

Landscape with grass (video)

In this tutorial we'll use 3ds max to model a simple environment and then use vertext paint to create an area which we'll fill with grass...

Views: 721 | Rating star | by Nick
3DS MAX - Modeling

Clay rendering, 3 types (video)

Clay rendering, 3 types (video)

Why this boring gray render, well it's pretty useful because many people ask for critique and comments on their model and by making a clay...

Views: 660 | Rating star | by Adam
3DS MAX - Modeling

User Interface customization - video tutorial

User Interface customization - video tutorial

During this tutorial you'll learn how to customize the 3ds max interface, this might seem pretty useless but it's actually really...

Views: 676 | Rating star | by David
3DS MAX - Basics

Neon (or lightsaber), using Mental Ray (video)

Neon (or lightsaber), using Mental Ray (video)

In this tutorial we'll use the Mental Ray renderer with special shaders to make objects glow, but the objects are also illuminating the scene...

Views: 712 | Rating star | by Colin
3DS MAX - Effects

Saving in 3D Studio Max - Rendering and Saving your Final Result

Saving in 3D Studio Max - Rendering and Saving your Final Result

Part 1 of 2 explains in detail how to render and save your final results in 3D Studio Max.

Views: 682 | Rating star | by Stephen
3DS MAX - Basics

Removing Your Background Using your Alpha Channel - Part 2/2

Removing Your Background Using your Alpha Channel - Part 2/2

Part 2 of this tutorial explains how to remove your background from your 3D Final Scene using the Alpha Channel you stored.

Views: 348 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Basics

Block Tags Explained

Block Tags Explained

In this tutorial you'll find the detailed instructions on how to work with the block tags: their attributes, examples of usage, and other tips.

Views: 951 | Rating star | by Isac

Modeling a brake rotor - video tutorial

Modeling a brake rotor - video tutorial

This 3D Studio MAX video tutorial shows you how you can use various modeling techniques to create a brake rotor. These include using donut, circle,...

Views: 712 | Rating star | by Tutorial
3DS MAX - Modeling

Smooth borders

Smooth borders

There are multiple ways of creating those smooth corners. You can do this with the marquee tool or pen tool. But I will explain the best option now...

Views: 499 | Rating star | by Jarry
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Use screen shots in Photoshop

Use screen shots in Photoshop

This short tutorial will explain how to use a screen shot in Photoshop.

Views: 370 | Rating star | by Sean
Photoshop - Basics