a step by step tutorial to creating a realistic glass using mental ray
Floor is one of the elements contained in Architecture. Floor Covering Materials are several kinds, such as, concrete, ceramics, marble, steel...
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3DS MAX - Materials
This is a basic tutorial, suitable for beginners, it produces a realistic glass effect using only the scanline renderer.
It will guide you on how to create a good caustic effect using the mental ray 3.2 renderer in-built to 3d studio max 6 and hopefully explain a...
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a realistic glass material and turn our chess pawn into a realistic glass object. Key terms include...
In this tutorial you will learn how to create gold, silver, and copper material. Key terms include reflection, specular, index of refraction,...
This is a tutorial on how to create caustics for 3ds Max using mental ray. It covers the materials, settings, and a hastily put together glass to...
In this tutorial we'll be looking at techniques for using textures and materials to create realistic objects.
This tutorial will introduce you to the material editor which provides just about every feature you would ever want customize for a material.
Multi/Sub-Object Materials are quite commonly used whilst modeling with polys, but a lot of beginners to 3DS Max aren't aware of how to do...
This tutorial explains step by step how to create 2 nice materials and integrate them with the Multi/Sub-Obect material. Enjoy!
This tutorial will teach you how to create a realistic looking object using V-Ray which is a very popular renderer that is widely used in the...
This is a tutorial on how to make a silk material out of just procedural maps (well can be just procedural and one bitmap).
This tutorial will show you how to make a somewhat complex procedural material that would work for some strange organic object.
This tutorial is for making a procedural gravel material within the 3DS Max material Editor.
Learn how to use the Blend material type.
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use the electric map plugin from Blur Beta to make a rusty material.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create “clay” and wire frames renders using MAX and Mental Ray. Key terms include Light Tracer,...
This tutorial will teach you how to create and apply a reflective material with ease.
Learn how to have more than 24 materials in Max.