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Making a simple digital clock in Flash

Making a simple digital clock in Flash

In this Macromedia Flash tutorial you will see how to make and program a simple digital clock in actionscript.

Views: 376 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Actionscripting

Create a stylish button in 5 minutes

Create a stylish button in 5 minutes

In this tutorial i will teach you how to create a stylish button in just 5 minutes.

Views: 431 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Buttons

Futuristic Wallpaper

Futuristic Wallpaper

In this tutorial I will teach you how to create a high quality futuristic wallpaper.

Views: 376 | Rating star | by David
Photoshop - Digital Art

Gold Stroke Text

Gold Stroke Text

Nothing says look at me like gold. Outline your text with gold using adobe photoshop.

Views: 194 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Text Effects

Clear Text

Clear Text

Crystal clear text. This is one of my very first tutorials that I ever did. Check it out.

Views: 211 | Rating star | by David
Photoshop - Text Effects

July Text

July Text

Being a Leo, I just couldn't resist this one but any image will do really. Try and see.

Views: 171 | Rating star | by Brad
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Inner Glow Text

Inner Glow Text

An easy effect using inner glow, yet it looks so cool. Give this one a try.

Views: 189 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Text Effects

Cloud Text

Cloud Text

Writing your name in the heavens couldn't be easier with this technique. Try it, and see just how simple it really is.

Views: 196 | Rating star | by Jarry
Photoshop - Text Effects

 Freaky Text

Freaky Text

Kinda wierd but kinda cool too. A neat technique that should not be taken too lightly.

Views: 200 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Photoshop - Text Effects

Beveled Text

Beveled Text

Create something in a hard beveled look. Professional looking yet a very effective feel.

Views: 205 | Rating star | by Brad
Photoshop - Text Effects

Techno Text

Techno Text

An out of this world effect in as little as five minutes. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Views: 194 | Rating star | by Sean
Photoshop - Text Effects

UP in lights

UP in lights

Become famous in the amount of time that it takes you to finish this tutorial. Just like downtown.

Views: 226 | Rating star | by John
Photoshop - Text Effects

Improve Your Digital Photography by Understanding Depth of Field

Improve Your Digital Photography by Understanding Depth of Field

Depth of field (DOF) is probably a term you have heard used in photography often enough, but what does it really mean, and how can you use it to...

Views: 369 | Rating star | by Slicer
Photoshop - Photography

Realistic wooden stool

Realistic wooden stool

In this tutorial under the 'furniture' category we will model an accurate wooden stool.

Views: 475 | Rating star | by Tutorial
3DS MAX - Modeling

Professional Security Icon

Professional Security Icon

A step by step guide to design a Professional Security Icon

Views: 450 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Buttons

Create a stylish chair

Create a stylish chair

Want to model a design chair quickly, efficiently? by doing this tutorial you'll not only model it using splines and polymodeling but shaders...

Views: 586 | Rating star | by Amy
3DS MAX - Modeling

Create a Flash Website

Create a Flash Website

This detailed tutorial will show you how to build a basic full Flash website, step by step.

Views: 632 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Web Design

Marble Text

Marble Text

A Photoshop tutorial showing you how to create marble textured text.

Views: 211 | Rating star | by Adam
Photoshop - Text Effects

Medical Imaging with DICOM files

Medical Imaging with DICOM files

DICOM is the industry standard format for medical scans. Learn how DICOM files are used with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended to create animations and...

Views: 301 | Rating star | by Nick
Photoshop - Basics

CSS Date blocks

CSS Date blocks

On many blog site you have see date in block format, A square contains month, date and year. Now we are going to design such CSS date block here....

Views: 580 | Rating star | by Steve