
MASSIVE Rendering Tutorial
Huge Rendering Tutorial - Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about rendering images.
Views: 377 |
| by Marry
Photoshop - Digital Art

Mobile Technology
Introduction to the Mobile technology, Mobile Phones, Mobile Learning, Mobile Software and Mobile Internet etc.
Views: 877 |
| by Colin
Windows - Networking

Computer Hardware Tutorials
Computer hardware tutorials, troubleshooting tips and overview of the physical components.
Views: 917 |
| by Mark
Windows - Networking

Virtual DJ Picture
In this detailed tutorial we will learn how to design this nice DJ smile
Views: 159 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Drawing

The Making of Beanpod blooming
On 3DM Wang Xiaoyu posted his great Making of the Beanpod blooming.
Views: 514 |
| by Nick
3DS MAX - Modeling

Making of The Sunflower Fountain
This project started with a simple idea. I wanted to model a water fountain with sunflowers growing on the inside instead of water.
Views: 493 |
| by Amy
3DS MAX - Modeling

Making of The Artist himself
So I try to reconstruct my old picture. To do that I used recent pictures of my face and later I changed geometry to make it similar to my self 6...
Views: 467 |
| by Marry
3DS MAX - Modeling

The Making of PARTHENON
In this tutorial I am going to explain how I made the image of the Parthenon.
Views: 471 |
| by Mathew
3DS MAX - Modeling

The Making of Abandoned Cathedral
My inspiration for this piece was the cathedrals of the middle ages. To give the image something unusual I made the cathedral dark and hellish...
Views: 503 |
| by Steve
3DS MAX - Modeling

Simple mask appearance
In this tutorial, you will see how to create simple mask appearance in flash, using the action script a little.
Views: 588 |
| by Nick
Flash - Special Effects

Maxscript basics
Learning maxscript improves your understanding of 3ds max and allows you to automate normally tedious actions, learn the basics by following this...
Views: 733 |
| by Donald
3DS MAX - Basics

Screen Your Way To Better Exposure In Photoshop
Levels and Curves are great for fixing tonal problems when important images suffer from underexposure, but what about all those photos you take...
Views: 293 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Removing Dark Shades
Learn to remove dark shades from your picture.
Views: 329 |
| by Brad
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Playing sounds with Actionscript
In this tutorial you will learn how to play a sound from the library through actionscript and makes its volume and pan (which speaker it comes out)...
Views: 372 |
| by Troy
Flash - Actionscripting

Attaching Blood through Actionscript
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a blood animation appear and play when you click.
Views: 407 |
| by Jarry
Flash - Actionscripting

Creating comic graphic - Tomato popping out of the bowl
Lets have some fun with images
Views: 190 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Draw a ripples in ocean and clear blue skies.
In this photoshop tutorial you will learn to make drawing of ocean ripples and sky and sphere.
Views: 172 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Drawing

Learn to draw a pencil with photoshop techniques
In this photoshop tutorial you will learn lots of beginners techniques and basic drawing skills.
Views: 288 |
| by David
Photoshop - Basics

A Free FTP Client In Your Computer
Many people do not know that they have a free FTP client in their computers! It is not the best but it is free and you can find it almost in every...
Views: 908 |
| by Isac
Windows - Tips

Sci-fi Menu
Create a dark yet glossy blue navigational menu.
Views: 286 |
| by Donald
Photoshop - Web Layouts

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