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Double-checked locking and the Singleton pattern

Double-checked locking and the Singleton pattern

Examine the roots of the double-checked locking idiom, why it was developed, and why it doesn't work. The Java programming language contains...

Views: 976 | Rating star | by Sarah
Java - Miscellaneous

Extending Ant to support interactive builds

Extending Ant to support interactive builds

Ant, from Jakarta project at the Apache Foundation, has become a de facto standard for building Java projects. You may already be using it to...

Views: 1010 | Rating star | by Stephen
Java - Miscellaneous

Basics of J2ME

Basics of J2ME

The Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) offers great tools for developers, porting the Java platform's network-centric and platform-agnostic...

Views: 1109 | Rating star | by David
Java - Miscellaneous

JSci: An open-source alternative for Java 2D graphing

JSci: An open-source alternative for Java 2D graphing

Java 2D may be the most obvious solution for programming 2D graphs in Java programs, but it's not the only one. This article proposes an...

Views: 1086 | Rating star | by Marry
Java - Miscellaneous

How Bridge2Java helps expand your Java code's horizons

How Bridge2Java helps expand your Java code's horizons

One of the strengths of the Java platform is its object-oriented nature; one of the benefits of object-oriented languages is that they aid code...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Colin
Java - Miscellaneous

The Jxta command shell

The Jxta command shell

Project Jxta is a community-run attempt to build a utility application substrate for peer-to-peer applications. The initial reference...

Views: 1149 | Rating star | by Donald
Java - Miscellaneous

The Java 2 user interface

The Java 2 user interface

Graphical and user interface capabilities have progressed in leaps and bounds since the early days of the Java language. The Java 2 platform...

Views: 1085 | Rating star | by Donald
Java - Miscellaneous

An introduction to neural networks

An introduction to neural networks

Neural nets may be the future of computing. A good way to understand them is with a puzzle that neural nets can be used to solve. Suppose that you...

Views: 1159 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Java - Miscellaneous

Building management applications with Jiro and WBEM

Building management applications with Jiro and WBEM

This article shows you how to combine and leverage the best parts of Jiro technology and the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) initiative....

Views: 985 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - Miscellaneous

Quick Java programming with FESI

Quick Java programming with FESI

In the real world of everyday computing (and development), there are many situations where 'whipping up a Java program' to perform a task...

Views: 1113 | Rating star | by Colin
Java - Miscellaneous

User interface logic in use case modeling

User interface logic in use case modeling

This article leads you into the gray zone between modeling and method, with a look at requirements gathering via use case modeling. In particular,...

Views: 1079 | Rating star | by Jason
Java - Miscellaneous

Introduction to WBEM and the CIM

Introduction to WBEM and the CIM

This is a continuation of the three-part series on building resource management applications. It takes a look at the Web-Based Enterprise...

Views: 1023 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - Miscellaneous

Getting started with the FMA and Jiro

Getting started with the FMA and Jiro

If you're looking for a unique programming challenge, try your hand at building a management application for a distributed, cross-platform...

Views: 1044 | Rating star | by Sarah
Java - Miscellaneous

Faster apps on a better machine

Faster apps on a better machine

If you want to build and run faster Java applications on the IBM Developer Kit for Linux, version 1.3, roll up your sleeves and prepare to get...

Views: 1002 | Rating star | by Sarah
Java - Miscellaneous

Diagnosing Java Code: The Liar View bug pattern

Diagnosing Java Code: The Liar View bug pattern

GUIs are generally designed with a model-view-controller architecture in which the view is decoupled from the model. The separation presents a...

Views: 865 | Rating star | by Daniel
Java - Miscellaneous

Build your own Java-based supercomputer

Build your own Java-based supercomputer

If you've ever wanted to build your own supercomputer but have been held back by the demands of parallel programming in C, Pseudo Remote...

Views: 1040 | Rating star | by John
Java - Miscellaneous

Creating a text adventure game in Java

Creating a text adventure game in Java

This is a series of tutorials that show you how to create an object-orientated adventure gaming system.

Views: 1091 | Rating star | by David
Java - Miscellaneous

Secure communication between peers: SSL through JSSE

Secure communication between peers: SSL through JSSE

A core requirement of any non-trivial P2P application is secure communication between peers. While the details of the security depend on how the...

Views: 943 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - Security

A three-pronged solution for identifying users

A three-pronged solution for identifying users

The problem of system security starts with discovering the identity of the user on the other end of the communications link. This article discusses...

Views: 1004 | Rating star | by John
Java - Security

Swing's new JFormattedTextField component

Swing's new JFormattedTextField component

Accepting formatted input doesn't have to be difficult with input verifiers and focus listeners. This installment of Magic with Merlin shows...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Source
Java - Swing