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Intelligent data keeps Swing simple

Intelligent data keeps Swing simple

This generic Swing architecture eases your UI development by integrating intelligent data with Swing components. You can use the iData architecture...

Views: 1069 | Rating star | by Simon
Java - Swing

Swing's new Spinner component

Swing's new Spinner component

This new column offers a glimpse into the new Java 1.4 release, starting with the new jSpinner component of Swing, which lets users easily select a...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Ben
Java - Swing

Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) Application Development : MIDP Programming.

Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) Application Development : MIDP Programming.

Sample chapter from 'Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) Application Development' on Mobile Information Device Profile programming.

Views: 877 | Rating star | by Jason
Java - WAP and WML

WAP builds Java applications

WAP builds Java applications

If your company already relies on multitiered enterprise Java applications, then you may be closer to a wireless future than you think. By...

Views: 1047 | Rating star | by Sean
Java - WAP and WML

Tip: Set up SAX Parsers

Tip: Set up SAX Parsers

This is the first in a series of tips that will serve as a comprehensive guide to using XML from the Java programming language. I begin with...

Views: 902 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - XML and Java

XML generation with JAVA

XML generation with JAVA

XML developers used to rely on XML parsers to read XML files. They also used to rely on XML processors to transform XML to *ML (HTML, XML, etc.)....

Views: 1120 | Rating star | by Source
Java - XML and Java

Long-term persistence: Serialize JavaBean component state to XML

Long-term persistence: Serialize JavaBean component state to XML

The ability to save the JavaBean component state for long-term persistence within an XML document has been a topic of much discussion with Java...

Views: 871 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - XML and Java

Session: simple password protection

Session: simple password protection

Usage of sessions is sortly explained by using two examples: a hit counter and a simple password protection script.

Views: 1361 | Rating star | by Adam
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Basic Sessions Tutorial with Register Globals Switched Off

Basic Sessions Tutorial with Register Globals Switched Off

This is a basic sessions tutorial where the register globals are switched off.

Views: 1009 | Rating star | by John
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Using Cookies & File Appending

Using Cookies & File Appending

Explains how to set and check for cookies using PHP. Also demonstrates a simple way to read and write data to a file.

Views: 1064 | Rating star | by Nick
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Implementing Cross-Domain Cookies

Implementing Cross-Domain Cookies

According to the cookie specification, any cookie set for one domain, must not be sent to any other domain. Therefore, if you set a cookie in your...

Views: 1123 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Custom Session Handlers in PHP4

Custom Session Handlers in PHP4

This document describes how to customize the session handlers in PHP4. It provides examples of how to write a fully functional session handler that...

Views: 1114 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Simple Text-based counter

Simple Text-based counter

A very basic tutorial with working example. It shows beginner how to make a simple text counter by opening, reading, and writing to files.

Views: 1092 | Rating star | by Jarry
PHP - Counters

graphical counter

graphical counter

This shows how to create a slightly more attractive counter using counter art available . More interesting than a plain text counter but no more...

Views: 1078 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - Counters

text counter

text counter

A simple no frills text counter that does illustrate some basic file handling in PHP

Views: 1098 | Rating star | by Nick
PHP - Counters

Selection Sort

Selection Sort

This tutorial will show you how the Selection Sort algorithm works. It is mostly used to sort numbers, but you can sort letters as well using the...

Views: 1525 | Rating star | by Marry
C and Cpp - Development

Horner's Algorithm

Horner's Algorithm

This tutorial will teach you how to run the Horner's algorithm, for number conversion. It converts numbers from a specified numeric system...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Nick
C and Cpp - Development

Introduction to C++ Classes

Introduction to C++ Classes

This tutorial introduces the key concepts of C++ classes. Designed for experienced C programmers who wish to learn the fundamentals of...

Views: 1495 | Rating star | by Slicer
C and Cpp - Development

All About: File I/O in C++

All About: File I/O in C++

This is a complete File I/O tutorial that starts with the very basics, and goes to the advanced topics. Includes many code examples.

Views: 1433 | Rating star 1 | by Tutorial
C and Cpp - File Manipulation

Serving Graphical Web Page Counters from a PHP Script

Serving Graphical Web Page Counters from a PHP Script

This tutorial is intended for PHP programmers interested in learning how to apply PHP's GD image manipulation support. Readers interested in...

Views: 964 | Rating star | by Adam
PHP - Counters