
Create a Cavern Village Hut Wallpaper Background
Here I will teach you about Cavern-Village-Hut-Wallpaper-Background
Views: 898 |
| by Amy
Photoshop - Drawing

Learn to Convert Image Photograph Superimpose
Here I will teach you about Convert-Image-Photograph-Superimpose
Views: 860 |
| by Jason
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Clone tool in photoshop CS 3
Some great new features of the clone tool in CS3 and some cool ways to use them by using settings in the clone source pallet.
Views: 917 |
| by Slicer
Photoshop - Basics

Create a Photoshop Invitation Greeting Cards Design
Here I will teach you about Photoshop-Invitation-Greeting-Cards-Design
Views: 863 |
| by Nick
Photoshop - Basics

Colorful Rings
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create abstract rings for your background with just a few simple steps.
Views: 918 |
| by Jarry
Photoshop - Abstracts

Website background image daisy flower
Here we will tell you how to make a Website-background-image-daisy-flower in photoshop
Views: 899 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Lovely Fog Overlay
Make photos look dreamy with this breathtaking Photoshop effect. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to add a classic dreamy effect and...
Views: 866 |
| by Sean
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Costume templates for Photoshop
Many newbies constantly ask me: how to use templates costumes for Photoshop? This brief tutorial is for you!
Views: 892 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Effects

Create an impressive background with some photos...
Views: 893 |
| by Tutorial
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Turn a portrait into a Zombie
Learn how to turn a portrait into a Zombie in photoshop!
Views: 839 |
| by Amy
Photoshop - Drawing

RSS Icon Photoshop Tutorial - using Shapes for Scalability, to the MAX.
Need a need RSS Icon for your blog? Here's a nice short tutorial on how to make a unique and memorable RSS Icon by manipulating Shapes in...
Views: 875 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Realistic Looking Flame or Fire
Make a realistic looking fire effect in Photoshop.
Views: 853 |
| by Steve
Photoshop - Effects

Create Unique Christmas greeting card design
Here we will tell you how to make a Unique-christmas-greeting-card-design in photoshop.
Views: 878 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Drawing

Design a Best friend greeting invitation card design
Here we will tell you how to make a Best-friend-greeting-invitation-card-design in photoshop
Views: 827 |
| by David
Photoshop - Basics

Ink on Plastic
Similar to stained glass, this effect makes photo look as if it was photocopied onto translucent plastic placed over multicolored lights. Learn how...
Views: 859 |
| by Steve
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Create Skyscrapper building light effect
Here we will tell you how to make a Skyscrapper-building-light-effect in photoshop.
Views: 859 |
| by Amy
Photoshop - Basics

Design a Cool wall redbrick pattern wallpaper design
Here we will tell you how to make a Cool-wall-redbrick-pattern-wallpaper-design in photoshop.
Views: 866 |
| by Slicer
Photoshop - Drawing

Design an icon - principles of WEB 2.0 design
Design an icon using basic PS techniques and layer styles. I will also explain the basic principles on WEB 2.0 design.
Views: 881 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Buttons

Photoshop tutorial make rain cloud lighthouse
Here we will tell you how to make a Photoshop-tutorial-make-rain-cloud-lighthouse in photosho
Views: 878 |
| by Sean
Photoshop - Basics

Blood stain text effect
Learn how to make a stain text effect in photoshop!
Views: 891 |
| by Slicer
Photoshop - Web Graphics

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