Here is a sample script showing U how to use the free DypsRTF component in order to create and save an RTF file on the fly from asp on your web...
Learn how to get started creating your first ASP page.
Learn how to email the contents of a form using the CDONTS component from ASP.
An introductory look at using arrays in ASP.
An introductory look at using the VBScript deicision making (if-then-else, select-case) and looping (for, while, do) mechanisms in ASP pages.
An introductory look at using VBScript in ASP pages.
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was...
This tutorial focuses on extracting data from a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. This tutorial will walk you through step-by-step to setup the...
When you sign up for a Web-based e-mail account,the site displays a small rectangular graphic containing a short word obscured.As part of the...
Views: 944 | | by Colin
ASP - Security
Find here how to display your Google Page Rank with DyspoPRank Checker wich is a standalone component. This script will enable you to show...
You will find here a sample script showing you how you can protect a reserved area of your website with a simple login page. The script is using an...
Views: 916 | | by Colin
ASP - Security
This shows the basics of sending email using CDONTS. Example included.
Learn how to create and retrieve cookies in this simple tutorial.
Show the server's current date and time in a formatted matter with ASP.
This tutorial will show you how to make an easiest, known as shoutbox, and how to connect to access database, see data and write data over a form.
Learn how to install Internet Information Server(Win xp pro).
This tutorial shows how ASP can be used to retreive the IP address of the remote host by using the ServerVariable Object.
So you have just installed IIS and the includes are not working and you do not know what a Virtual Directory is! Hmmmm! This tutorial will help you...
This tutorial will demonstrate the process of setting up a database connection in Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004.
Learn the some basic tricks to ASP coding