This tutorial will walk you through adding dynamic content from an RSS 2.0 data feed. RSS is a XML format for syndicating news content, web site...
This tutorial is aimed to show you how it is possible to retrieve a remote file via ASP and FTP without using a 3rd-party component.
Views: 873 | | by Source
ASP - Networking
This little snippet of code will learn you how to sort an array with bubble sorting.
We will write the same script using SPLIT, REPLACE and JOIN to demonstrate all 3 functions and how they often are used for similar tasks.
Filter method is very useful working with large datasets. You might need to put only some records from your database but you should select all data...
Aim of this articles is to display records from an Microsoft Excel in an ASP. We could use general SQL command while retrieving data from an excel...
ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP is a server side technology which is used to display dynamic content on the web pages. ASP is becoming...
Filter method is very useful working with large datasets. You might need to put only some records from your database but you should select all data...
There is a very cool way to download or grab a file using ServerXMLHTTP class. Using this object you could access and download a remote file out...
This sample ASP script we will search a custom query in an SQL database. We will use two custom script in one page and will take query results...
Views: 928 | | by Sean
ASP - Searching
Unexpected errors can stop programs and your application coul be down immadiately. But 'On Error Resume Next' funtcion help you to avoid...
Working with arrays could be painful if you could not remove any item after adding them in an array. Arrays are very helpful in programming...
In this series of our ASP Developer Articles, we will examine a new VbScript function called as ' The Len() Function'. With LEN functions...
While passing variables as an URL's querystring, you should need to encode the string. All special characters like space must be written in...
Asp Chat Box s a free and easy to use chat application can be used in a simple website. This version of AspChatBox can read and write only a single...
If you use this code, with the changes suggested in the comments, you will be able to completely validate a submitted e-mail address. It checks for...
How to grab a file using ServerXMLHTTP class. Using this object you could access and download a remote file out side of your website.
In classic ASP there is no any encrypt function. But you can use this useful source code to encrypt any string data using MD5. MD5 encryption is a...
Views: 917 | | by Mathew
ASP - Security
ASP has the ability to dynamically output any kind of office application format. Before to start coding, The first thing we need to do is set...
ASP has the ability to dynamically output any kind of office application format. Before to start coding, The first thing we need to do is set...