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The Binary Adding Machine

The Binary Adding Machine

Ever wondered how computers work? In this tutorial, I attempt to explain this from the ground up. First, we'll look at how a machine can add...

Views: 876 | Rating star | by Troy
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Pointers and Arrays - a beginners guide

Pointers and Arrays - a beginners guide

We will cover arrays, 2-dimensional arrays, learn to pass arrays through functions. With pointers we will learn how to declare them correctly, use...

Views: 932 | Rating star | by David
C and Cpp - Miscellaneous

Pointers to C++ Member Functions

Pointers to C++ Member Functions

A tutorial on a useful yet poorly understood language feature, useful as a cache or to enable a different sort of polymorphism.

Views: 903 | Rating star | by Marry
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Using the printf() function

Using the printf() function

A guide to the famous printf() function in C. Shows you how to output data in several ways. The tutorial is not yet complete but will be continued...

Views: 894 | Rating star | by Marry
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Introducing Structs

Introducing Structs

A tutorial for beginners, offerring a look into C++ structures. How structures can be defined, created, accessed and what is their actual use....

Views: 881 | Rating star | by Brad
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

An Implementation of a Singly Linked List of Integers

An Implementation of a Singly Linked List of Integers

This tutorial in an implementation of a singly linked list of integers.

Views: 875 | Rating star | by Ben
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

CD Drive Control

CD Drive Control

Enumerates all CD-ROM drives and allows them to be opened and closed at the touch of a button.

Views: 889 | Rating star | by Mathew
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Searching for a string in a File

Searching for a string in a File

How to find the first occurance of a string within a file, includes sample function.

Views: 964 | Rating star | by Stephen
C and Cpp - File Manipulation

Random Number Generation

Random Number Generation

Generate random numbers with ease, including the main data types: int, float, and double.

Views: 845 | Rating star | by Nick
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Understanding Pointers

Understanding Pointers

A quick guide to C pointers for people having trouble with the concepts involved.

Views: 835 | Rating star | by Tutorial
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Sorting Algorithms in C

Sorting Algorithms in C

Sorting in general refers to various methods of arranging or ordering things based on criterias. In Computer Science, due to obvious reasons,...

Views: 981 | Rating star | by Steve
C and Cpp - Miscellaneous

Advice and Warning for C

Advice and Warning for C

C is a powerful programming language, but not without risks. Without help, even experienced C programmers can find themselves in trouble, despite...

Views: 932 | Rating star | by Mark
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Less a tutorial than a problem-solver

Less a tutorial than a problem-solver

Despite its highly adaptable and flexible nature, C++ is also one of the more complex programming languages to learn. Once mastered, however, it...

Views: 927 | Rating star | by Amy
C and Cpp - Miscellaneous

XML in C++

XML in C++

XML is important in many areas, including information storage and retrieval, publishing, and network communication; in this tutorial, you'll...

Views: 968 | Rating star | by Jason
C and Cpp - Miscellaneous

Introduction to the C++ Standard Template Library

Introduction to the C++ Standard Template Library

This tutorials introduces you to the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) including how to use I/O streams, file streams, string streams, strings,...

Views: 892 | Rating star | by Adam
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Pointers and References in C++

Pointers and References in C++

The ability to manipulate memory and memory locations directly is part of what makes C and C++ so powerful, so dangerous, and so difficult for...

Views: 829 | Rating star | by Donald
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Lesson 1: Transforming Numerical Systems

Lesson 1: Transforming Numerical Systems

This is the first lesson I wrote. Its purpose is to introduce you to the world of programming, showing you the way computers think or archive data....

Views: 801 | Rating star | by Donald
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Lesson 2: IEEE Standards

Lesson 2: IEEE Standards

This lesson is next and final step before we start to code. It is about decoding numbers and saving them into computer using IEEE protocols for...

Views: 860 | Rating star | by Donald
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Lesson 3: Data types in Registry

Lesson 3: Data types in Registry

It can also be considered as prolonged intro on programming, however now I started giving you the code and explaining its meaning. Please have...

Views: 853 | Rating star | by Sarah
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Lesson 4: Casting data types

Lesson 4: Casting data types

This lesson is about transformation (casting) of integers and real data types, and explanations why this job is necessary in C language for...

Views: 831 | Rating star | by Simon
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp
