Learn how to changing colors of the Movieclips
A tutorial designed for absolute beginners, showing you how to link one part of a Flash Movie to the next.
A tutorial for beginners, showing you how to animate with a technique called tweening.
Views: 604 | | by Stephen
Flash - Animation
How to create a motion Tween that follows a guide to set the direction of the animation. This enables you to animate objects in curved or spiraled...
A simple animation technique that morphs one shape into another.
A tutorial for beginners, showing you how to make a simple button in Flash.
A tutorial for beginners, showing you how to create an animated mask, which revels something hidden below.
A mask that follows the mouse around reveling graphics and text hidden below. An impressive effect which is easy to create.
A tutorial for beginners, showing you how to place one animation inside another animation. This is a basic technique in Flash which is of...
A tutorial showing you how one instance of a symbol communicates with another, specifically when the symbol is placed inside another symbol. This...
Change the standard arrow cursor to one of your own. It’s easier than you think.
Learn how to change the color of something when somebody clicks a button.
Learn how to create a drop down menu that will allow you to create a navigation system. This can be used to move from one part of a Flash movie to...
How to create links between different web pages from Flash. Includes an explanation of the different type of links, window browser settings and...
How to create an input box and get buttons to change a movie clip based on what the user has typed into the input box. There is also a reset button...
How to display the frame number from the time line.
Learn how to make an Flash movie which the user can draw in whilst online. This may be adapted into a full Painting program (see sample)....
Learn how to get your Flash movie from Flash onto a web page or into other formats.
Want to create fast loading Flash movies. Essential skills for all Flash developers.
For an attentive study of the work of others, an analysis of their design decisions, understanding one or another moment when Flash technology was...