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AS3 SharedObject Class AKA Flash Cookies

AS3 SharedObject Class AKA Flash Cookies

Learn how to store pieces of data on the end-users computer.

Views: 3990 | Rating star 3 | by Republic of Code
Flash - Interactivity

Opening a new window

Opening a new window

This tutorial explains how to open a new window from within a flash movie. It also provides all the options available as a ready reference for...

Views: 1152 | Rating star | by Colin
Flash - Interactivity

Building Buttons

Building Buttons

This tutorial takes you through button building, from button states through to adding sound and controls.

Views: 1159 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Interactivity

Assigning Actions to Buttons

Assigning Actions to Buttons

Discover how to add actions to a button to increase interactivity and creativity

Views: 1132 | Rating star | by Troy
Flash - Interactivity

Assigning Actions to Keyframes

Assigning Actions to Keyframes

Learn how to apply actions to keyframes.

Views: 1150 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Interactivity

Drag and Drop with Target Areas

Drag and Drop with Target Areas

This tutorial will show you how to build a Drag and Drop interaction with Flash 4, which will check the 'Target Area' and respond with...

Views: 1097 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Interactivity

Favicons - Bookmark Icons IE only

Favicons - Bookmark Icons IE only

Learn about favicon.ico and how to place your icon in your visitor's favourites folder when they bookmark your site. This will add to your...

Views: 1093 | Rating star | by Ben
Flash - Interactivity

Keyboard Control

Keyboard Control

Add another dimension of interactivity to your site by allow your visitors to navigate via the keyboard.

Views: 1161 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Interactivity



This tutorial will be delving into the world of preloaders, what they are and how to build them.

Views: 1059 | Rating star | by Troy
Flash - Interactivity

Bar Preloaders

Bar Preloaders

Discover how to make a slightly more complex preloader that uses a bar to inform how much of your movie has loaded.

Views: 1092 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Interactivity

Swift Tools FAQ

Swift Tools FAQ

Your one stop FAQ for all your questions regarding the Swift Inspector and Generator.

Views: 1065 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Interactivity

Creating Floating Button Labels

Creating Floating Button Labels

A tutorial on creating tool tip style bubbles for buttons when the mouse moves over them.

Views: 1076 | Rating star | by Stephen
Flash - Interactivity

Detecting 'On Key Release'

Detecting 'On Key Release'

Flash does not explicitly recognize the MouseEvent 'On Key Release', but there is a reliable way to do it.

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Simon
Flash - Interactivity

Creating an Active Search List

Creating an Active Search List

This is a very useful FLA. Learn how to load a list of links, display them and search through them.

Views: 1089 | Rating star | by Simon
Flash - Interactivity

Sharpening Images in Flash

Sharpening Images in Flash

Ever wondered why your perfect images get blurred in Flash? Learn in this tutorial how to remove the smoothing effect.

Views: 1076 | Rating star | by Slicer
Flash - Interactivity

Using the Hit Test Method

Using the Hit Test Method

A quick and easy demonstration on how to test if two movie object are touching one another.

Views: 1067 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Interactivity

Making Flash Movies Transparent

Making Flash Movies Transparent

Divcover how to make your movies transparent. This will allow you to see the HTML color below.

Views: 1171 | Rating star | by Simon
Flash - Interactivity

Building a Custom Cursor in Flash 5

Building a Custom Cursor in Flash 5

One of the new and exciting features of flash 5 is the ability to quick create and implement your own cursor designs.

Views: 1142 | Rating star | by Slicer
Flash - Interactivity

Modifying Object Colors at Run-time

Modifying Object Colors at Run-time

This is a good theory on how to create the actionscript necessary to modify the color of movie clip objects at run-time.

Views: 1095 | Rating star | by David
Flash - Interactivity

Sound Toggle Menu using Variables

Sound Toggle Menu using Variables

Learn how to create a menu styled sound toggle driven by variables.

Views: 1067 | Rating star | by Jason
Flash - Interactivity