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Add Interactivity

Add Interactivity

Macromedia Flash Basic 8 and Macromedia Flash Professional 8 offer numerous ways to engage users with interactivity. When you incorporate...

Views: 737 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Interactivity

Create a Form with Conditional Logic and Send Data

Create a Form with Conditional Logic and Send Data

You can create a form with conditional logic that allows the SWF file to respond to user interaction and send the form data from the SWF file to an...

Views: 698 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Interactivity

Loading External Texts into Flash Using the LoadVars() Class

Loading External Texts into Flash Using the LoadVars() Class

This tutorial will teach you how to load content from an external text file dynamically into a Flash movie.

Views: 628 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Interactivity

Button Basics - Flash Video Tutorial

Button Basics - Flash Video Tutorial

Creating buttons in Flash may seem fairly straightforward--and it is--but there are a few things that many Flash novices don't realize about...

Views: 723 | Rating star | by Marry
Flash - Interactivity

Creating Buttons in Flash MX

Creating Buttons in Flash MX

In this toturial, you're going to learn how to create buttons and apply simple Actions to them to jump to certain keyframes. To ease this,...

Views: 685 | Rating star | by Ben
Flash - Interactivity

Magic Cursor- Video Tutorial

Magic Cursor- Video Tutorial

If you want to learn to make your Flash websites truly interactive, then it's very important that you understand how to alter the properties...

Views: 729 | Rating star | by Slicer
Flash - Interactivity

Sliding Mask with Easing

Sliding Mask with Easing

Make a masking effect - a mask that is following the cursor on the screen and making a movement with easing. It is simple yet effective.

Views: 703 | Rating star | by Jarry
Flash - Interactivity

Flash Drop Down Menu

Flash Drop Down Menu

Flash tutorial showing how to make a nice simple drop down menu. Includes example and screenshots.

Views: 688 | Rating star | by Sean
Flash - Interactivity

Valentines Day Ad Banner

Valentines Day Ad Banner

Learn to design and code a beautiful and effective banner ad for St. Valentine's Day. The banner has a random effect that is being shown when...

Views: 672 | Rating star | by Mathew
Flash - Interactivity

Buttons and more buttons

Buttons and more buttons

How to make simple buttons, advanced buttons and even more advanced buttons using movie clips and Action Script all explained on a simple way with...

Views: 688 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Interactivity

Easy Dynamic Photo Gallery - Using Loader Component

Easy Dynamic Photo Gallery - Using Loader Component

This tutorial uses the Loader Component already built into Flash MX and above. I will show you how to use it to create a simple dynamic photo...

Views: 754 | Rating star | by Jarry
Flash - Interactivity

Creating an Animation Controller in Flash

Creating an Animation Controller in Flash

This tutorial will teach you how to create a control panel for your basic animations so that you can fast forward, rewind, pause and play the...

Views: 728 | Rating star | by Jarry
Flash - Interactivity

Creating buttons in Flash

Creating buttons in Flash

The button is probably the first element that most people who are new to Flash are going to create, it is visual and it is interactive. Creating an...

Views: 710 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Interactivity

Advanced drag and drop in Flash

Advanced drag and drop in Flash

Drag and drop activities are very popular in Flash, it is commonly use to create learning activities where elements needs to be associated. It is...

Views: 700 | Rating star | by Ben
Flash - Interactivity

Interactive country map

Interactive country map

Learn to create this widely used gizmo with this easy tutorial. Learn to create fade-in graphs, different sections of the map, the user interface,...

Views: 701 | Rating star | by Troy
Flash - Interactivity

Create a sketchpad that your visitors can draw onto!

Create a sketchpad that your visitors can draw onto!

This thoroughly explained lesson will show you how to make a drawing pad for your Flash site. The final SWF is less than 1 KB in size! All the...

Views: 703 | Rating star | by Mark
Flash - Interactivity

ComboBox Component Interactivity

ComboBox Component Interactivity

In Flash, the ComboBox component is basically nothing more than your basic dropdown list that you see in forms on the Internet. In this video,...

Views: 697 | Rating star | by Amy
Flash - Interactivity

Transforming a movie clip into a draggable mask via ActionScript

Transforming a movie clip into a draggable mask via ActionScript

Create easily a cool masking effect in Flash with a few lines of ActionScript. Also, you will see how easy it is to enable your users drag the mask...

Views: 672 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Interactivity

Creating a Dynamic Portfolio in Flash

Creating a Dynamic Portfolio in Flash

This tutorial will teach you how to create an advanced portfolio that dynamically loads images and text from external sources.

Views: 715 | Rating star | by Mark
Flash - Interactivity

Create a Photo Slideshow Gallery in Flash 8.0

Create a Photo Slideshow Gallery in Flash 8.0

Learn how to create a Photo slideshow in Flash 8.0 using the in-built Flash Photo Slideshow template.

Views: 740 | Rating star | by Marry
Flash - Interactivity