Code dynamic flickering that can be applied to any MovieClip object in Adobe Flash. The flicker intensity, time between flickering and duration can...
Introducing XML to load levels in a Flash tile based game
Views: 567 | | by Colin
Flash - Games
Learn how to create realistic animated eyes that blink, wink and following the mouse pointer using Flash.
Now we got our little cartoon man from last session, this time we will make him move with the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Views: 588 | | by Slicer
Flash - Games
This tutorial will show you how to create on a simple way and few steps very practical and useful picture listing, which you can use it for any...
The clouds move at a constant speed and are generated dynamically. Each time a cloud moves past the screen to the left, a new cloud is created...
Learn how to draw cartoon head in Macromedia Flash. Finish all work in just few steps.
Views: 984 | | by Sean
Flash - Drawing
Use this tutorial to learn how to create Attractive photography image effect in flash.
In this step by step tutorial, you will see how to create professional preloader in flash, using the action script.
In this tutorial we will make our little game character a bit more alive, we will make his legs, and body move when he walks, just for the fun of it.
Views: 568 | | by John
Flash - Games
This tutorial will show you how to create a menu using an XML file for the text, allowing you to edit the menu items without Flash.
Using this tutorial, you will learn how to create a text that is appear and disappear as cigarette smoke.
In this easy and quickly flash lesson, you will see how to create a pictures that are quickly listing and after that they’re explode.
Learn to create the ultimate image gallery in Flash, with amazing features - it will be completely dynamic, with thumbnails and preloaders for each...
Using this lesson, you will see how to create a typing text which is appears, using the mask and Pencil Tool (Y).
In this tutorial you will learn how to move a car on a road by using Motion Guide. Later we will apply custom ease to the motion (Flash...
Create a button that will cause your animations to play in reverse when clicked.
In this detailed lesson, you will see how to create random effect and apply it on any picture using the action script.
In this tutorial we will make walls around the game so eighter our character or any other object can get out of the stage if we don't want to.
Views: 560 | | by Mark
Flash - Games
Learn how to create ultra smooth animations using Flash ActionScript.