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How To Fill A Shape With A Color Gradient Fill Using Actionscript

How To Fill A Shape With A Color Gradient Fill Using Actionscript

This video tutorial shows how to create a gradient color fill using actionscript draw method.

Views: 385 | Rating star | by Marry
Flash - Actionscripting

Setting The Horizontal Position Of A Movie Clip Using Actionscript

Setting The Horizontal Position Of A Movie Clip Using Actionscript

This video tutorial shows how to horizontally poisition a movie clip using actionscript.

Views: 472 | Rating star | by Simon
Flash - Actionscripting

How To Change The Transparency Of A Movie Clip Using Actionscript

How To Change The Transparency Of A Movie Clip Using Actionscript

This video tutorial shows how to change the alpha value of a movie clip using actionscript.

Views: 433 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Actionscripting

How To Create A Vertical Scale And Flip Tween Using Actionscript

How To Create A Vertical Scale And Flip Tween Using Actionscript

This video tutorial shows how to create a vertical scale and flip using actionscript.

Views: 454 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Actionscripting

Target Paths

Target Paths

Learn about _root, _parent and this. And using them to refer to other movie clips on the stage.

Views: 414 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Actionscripting

conditional statements tutorial Actionscript 3

conditional statements tutorial Actionscript 3

This tutorial will teach you how to use the most commonly used conditions in Actionscript to get you started making your games, applications,...

Views: 460 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Actionscripting

Custom-Right click menu

Custom-Right click menu

Context menu class in flash helps to hide right click menu and add custom menu item for our project

Views: 457 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Actionscripting

Moving an object using the arrow key in Adobe Flash 8

Moving an object using the arrow key in Adobe Flash 8

This tutorial is about how to move an object using the LEFT, RIGHT, UP and DOWN heys in Adobe Flash 8.

Views: 449 | Rating star | by Amy
Flash - Actionscripting

Control the playhead of a MovieClip using ActionScript

Control the playhead of a MovieClip using ActionScript

In this tutorial it will be analized how can be controlled the playhead of a MovieClip using ActionScript play() and stop() methods.

Views: 451 | Rating star | by Troy
Flash - Actionscripting

Flash ActionScript Loops

Flash ActionScript Loops

ActionScript loops are tools used to execute a segment of code repeatedly for a number of times or while a certain condition is satisfied. This can...

Views: 424 | Rating star | by Jarry
Flash - Actionscripting

Preloading in FlashCS3

Preloading in FlashCS3

Preloading in flash ..that is showing the users to wait..while loading..Will be useful for web site.Its time to learn in flash cs3

Views: 424 | Rating star | by Source
Flash - Actionscripting

Customize right click menu in Flash

Customize right click menu in Flash

This tutorial will explain in detail how to customize the right click menu (context menu) in Adobe Flash 8 using ActionScript.

Views: 495 | Rating star | by Mark
Flash - Actionscripting

Reverse a String and Reverse each Word in a String with Actionscript

Reverse a String and Reverse each Word in a String with Actionscript

Reverse a String and Reverse each Word in a String with Actionscript

Views: 415 | Rating star | by Colin
Flash - Actionscripting

Create and style textfields with AS3

Create and style textfields with AS3

How to dynamically create a textfield on the stage, giving it properties and add some styling to it, all done with actionscripting.

Views: 412 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Actionscripting

Running Circles Effect Using AS

Running Circles Effect Using AS

Flash allows you to create many cool effects using only (or almost only) ActionScript. In this tutorial I'm going to guide you through...

Views: 405 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Actionscripting

Functions with actionscript 3

Functions with actionscript 3

Learn how to build your own custom function using flash actionscript 3.

Views: 407 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Actionscripting

Retrieve Data From XML File

Retrieve Data From XML File

Tutorial on how to load external source, XML, into your Flash movie. XML is widely used markup language that enable sharing of structured data...

Views: 417 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Actionscripting

Flash Preloader Loading Bar

Flash Preloader Loading Bar

The worst thing whic can happen to you is that someone who visiting your web site waiting for a movie to load. You must to use a feedback mechanism...

Views: 451 | Rating star | by Mathew
Flash - Actionscripting

Creating Dynamic Objects(Movieclip or Sprite) in FlashCS3

Creating Dynamic Objects(Movieclip or Sprite) in FlashCS3

Creating Dynamic Objects(Movieclip or Sprite) in FlashCS3 is few steps ..alternate to createemptyMovieclip in flash8 and Adding Events

Views: 456 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Actionscripting

Make a Scripted Camera in Actionscript

Make a Scripted Camera in Actionscript

A scripted camera is just a camera created in Actionscript that follows the mouse wherever it goes. Learn how to create one here.

Views: 453 | Rating star | by Marry
Flash - Actionscripting