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How to Convert PowerPoint to Flash Manually

How to Convert PowerPoint to Flash Manually

Flash has some advantages and this tutorial guides you how to convert PowerPoint to Flash presenations manually.

Views: 610 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Flash - Actionscripting

Actionscript doing simple mathematics

Actionscript doing simple mathematics

If you want to be a programmer or just write some simple lines of code, you will need to know some math and how to use it. Here you will see how to...

Views: 616 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Actionscripting

Timer Class

Timer Class

A brief and friendly introduction to the timer class in AS3.

Views: 641 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Actionscripting

Changing the right click menu

Changing the right click menu

Learn how to alter the right click menu to your own words, like a copyright message for your site, and also hide the default options.

Views: 682 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Actionscripting

Movimiento simple de objetos

Movimiento simple de objetos

Con un poco de actionscript veremos como mover un circulo con las flechas del teclado.

Views: 624 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Actionscripting

Creating a Smooth Button Animation in Flash

Creating a Smooth Button Animation in Flash

Create an awesome menu with smooth button animation using the Tween Class.

Views: 635 | Rating star | by Jason
Flash - Actionscripting

Stylish buttons alpha effect using actionscript

Stylish buttons alpha effect using actionscript

In this flash tutorial you will learn how to make a very useful alpha tween effect controlled by flash actionscripting

Views: 700 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Actionscripting

Preloader in Flash Loading bar for your movies(Video)

Preloader in Flash Loading bar for your movies(Video)

Make this simple preloader(loading bar) or take it to the next level with the later part of the tutorial.

Views: 577 | Rating star | by Slicer
Flash - Actionscripting

Detecting Flash Player Versions

Detecting Flash Player Versions

Detect your Flash Versions for your games in AS2.0! Totaly simple. Check it yourself!

Views: 681 | Rating star | by Amy
Flash - Actionscripting

How to make a basic flash website

How to make a basic flash website

Using the 'GotoAndPlay' method, this tutorial will explain how to make a basic flash website, allowing you to build and expand on your...

Views: 666 | Rating star | by Source
Flash - Actionscripting

Nice buttons easing using actionscript

Nice buttons easing using actionscript

how to use actionscript to make a nice button click effect.

Views: 660 | Rating star | by David
Flash - Actionscripting

Moving From Flash AS2 To Flash AS3: Static vs. Const

Moving From Flash AS2 To Flash AS3: Static vs. Const

Constants come in very handy, mostly for code maintenance. A very simple example would be constant used in game for friction. Let's say that...

Views: 651 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Actionscripting

Moving From Flash AS2 To Flash AS3: Numerical Types Rules Of Use

Moving From Flash AS2 To Flash AS3: Numerical Types Rules Of Use

This seems like a very simple topic, and it should be...for anyone who has programmed in language like C or C++. In those languages, numbers have...

Views: 688 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Actionscripting

Hit test in actionscript 3

Hit test in actionscript 3

learn to use actionscript 3 to make a simple hit test in flash

Views: 639 | Rating star | by Source
Flash - Actionscripting

XML in Flash (AS2)

XML in Flash (AS2)

A brief introduction to XML in Flash. This tutorial will cover the basics, and try to explain them fully so that you have a strong foundation on...

Views: 657 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Actionscripting

Loading XML data in Flash using ActionScript

Loading XML data in Flash using ActionScript

XML can be used to load external data in Flash to provide an easy method for structuring content so that it is easy to understand, process, and...

Views: 623 | Rating star | by Simon
Flash - Actionscripting

Make simple functions with AS3

Make simple functions with AS3

How to build your own simple functions using Flash actionscript 3.0

Views: 621 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Actionscripting

ActionScript 3, Using Shared Objects to show the time of page browsing

ActionScript 3, Using Shared Objects to show the time of page browsing

I will show how SharedObject might be used. For illustration, I came up with an idea to show users the time they spend browsing a particular page.

Views: 662 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Actionscripting

Dynamic import flash content with AS3

Dynamic import flash content with AS3

How to load one flash file content into another dynamically with actionscript.

Views: 690 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Actionscripting

Learn mouse events with actionscript 3

Learn mouse events with actionscript 3

Learn how to catch mouse events like mouse move and clicks with flash actionscript 3

Views: 641 | Rating star | by Jason
Flash - Actionscripting