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Absolute and relative target paths

Absolute and relative target paths

This flash tutorial will show how to create absolute and relative target paths.

Views: 500 | Rating star | by Colin
Flash - Animation

Advanced lightning animation

Advanced lightning animation

Read this tutorial and see how to create advanced lightning animation using special flash 8 effects without Action Script.

Views: 511 | Rating star 3 | by Simon
Flash - Animation

Making a closed motion path

Making a closed motion path

This tutorial will teach you how to making a closed motion path.

Views: 536 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Animation

Adding a Prebuilt Behavior

Adding a Prebuilt Behavior

This tutorial will demostrate how to add a prebuilt behavior using animation techniques.

Views: 491 | Rating star | by Ben
Flash - Animation

Sound Animation

Sound Animation

Read this tutorial and see how to create sound animation in flash 8 without Action Script. You can use this animation for web site with sound (when...

Views: 452 | Rating star | by Stephen
Flash - Animation

Flash Water Effects

Flash Water Effects

Learn how to create animation effects on water using Adobe Flash.

Views: 515 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Animation

Flash Star Effects

Flash Star Effects

Learn how to animate stars and how to create star-shaped objects in Flash.

Views: 532 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Flash - Animation

Introduction background animation

Introduction background animation

Read this tutorial and see how to create introduction background animation in flash 8. You can use this animation like flash introduction for some...

Views: 494 | Rating star | by Sarah
Flash - Animation

Animating a Walk

Animating a Walk

Animating a walk or run is something any flash animator has to know. This tutorial will show you how to create a character walking.

Views: 462 | Rating star | by Jason
Flash - Animation

Adding a Shape Hint

Adding a Shape Hint

Adding a Shape Hint - Use shape hints for your shape tweens

Views: 478 | Rating star | by Jason
Flash - Animation

Dynamic tweening with the Tween and Easing classes

Dynamic tweening with the Tween and Easing classes

You are probably very familiar with the tweening than can be assigned to a movie clip at authoring time but did you know that you could apply...

Views: 525 | Rating star | by Mathew
Flash - Animation

Cogwheel animation

Cogwheel animation

In this tutorial, you have a chance to learn how to create cogwheel animation in flash 8 using the Action Script.

Views: 530 | Rating star | by Ben
Flash - Animation

Motion Tweening

Motion Tweening

This time I'm going to explain how to create motion tweens. Even if you're familar with the topic, there still might be something you...

Views: 475 | Rating star | by Marry
Flash - Animation

Changing the channel on plasma

Changing the channel on plasma

Read this tutorial and see how to change channel on plasma using remote control. You can use this animation for some flash header on your web site.

Views: 429 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Animation

Drop Rain Animation

Drop Rain Animation

Learn this tutorial and see how to create a drop rain animation in flash 8, on a simple way, without Action Script.

Views: 502 | Rating star | by Mathew
Flash - Animation

Defoliation animation

Defoliation animation

Use this tutorial to see how to create Defoliation animation, using the Action Script and Invisible Button in flash 8.

Views: 659 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Animation

Create a stylish logo with effects and make it bounce

Create a stylish logo with effects and make it bounce

Use simple tools in Flash to create a stylish logo and add some effects to it. Learn to make it bounce on and off stage and then create a fade-in...

Views: 494 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Animation

Radiation Effect

Radiation Effect

In this tutorial, you will learn how to apply radiation effect on any object in flash without Action Script.

Views: 455 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Animation

Active picture effect

Active picture effect

This tutorial will show you how to create active picture effect in flash using the mask.

Views: 486 | Rating star | by Marry
Flash - Animation

Follow The Path

Follow The Path

Use Flash to make an object to follow a created path.

Views: 449 | Rating star | by Amy
Flash - Animation