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Swing's new JFormattedTextField component

Swing's new JFormattedTextField component

Accepting formatted input doesn't have to be difficult with input verifiers and focus listeners. This installment of Magic with Merlin shows...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Source
Java - Swing

Intelligent data keeps Swing simple

Intelligent data keeps Swing simple

This generic Swing architecture eases your UI development by integrating intelligent data with Swing components. You can use the iData architecture...

Views: 1068 | Rating star | by Simon
Java - Swing

Swing's new Spinner component

Swing's new Spinner component

This new column offers a glimpse into the new Java 1.4 release, starting with the new jSpinner component of Swing, which lets users easily select a...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Ben
Java - Swing

Taking Screenshots in Java

Taking Screenshots in Java

Have you ever wanted to grab a screenshot from your Java application? Here's a quick tutorial on how to grab a screenshot and save it to a...

Views: 913 | Rating star | by Sarah
Java - Swing

JTabbedPane in Windows XP

JTabbedPane in Windows XP

In Java 1.5, Sun implemented the Windows XP look and feel for the JTabbedPane. Learn how to modify your JTabbedPane to take advantage of the new...

Views: 971 | Rating star | by Ben
Java - Swing

Center a Dialog Box, Frame or Window in Java

Center a Dialog Box, Frame or Window in Java

This tutorial looks at how to center a dialog box, frame, or window in Java. You will also learn how to extend the JDialog class to create a...

Views: 903 | Rating star | by Nick
Java - Swing

Herong's Tutorial Notes on Java Swing

Herong's Tutorial Notes on Java Swing

This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Simon
Java - Swing

Native Look and Feel in Java

Native Look and Feel in Java

By default a Swing application or applet does not have the native look and feel of the operating system. This tutorial shows how to modify your...

Views: 926 | Rating star | by Isac
Java - Swing

Introduction to Swing

Introduction to Swing

This introduction to using Swing in Java will walk you through the basics of Swing. This covers topics of how to create a window, add controls,...

Views: 986 | Rating star | by Sean
Java - Swing

Using HTML in Java Swing Controls

Using HTML in Java Swing Controls

Have you ever wanted to provide text formatting in a Swing control? Have you ever wanted to have multiple lines of text in a tab? This tutorial...

Views: 905 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - Swing

Introduction to Glass Panes

Introduction to Glass Panes

This tutorial provides an introduction to using the glass pane in a JFrame and JApplet.

Views: 902 | Rating star | by David
Java - Swing

Exiting an Application when a JFrame is Closed

Exiting an Application when a JFrame is Closed

This tutorial shows how to change the default close action to exit the application when the window is closed. In additon, this discusses the...

Views: 882 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Java - Swing

Using Custom Cursors in Java

Using Custom Cursors in Java

This tutorial shows how to go beyond the predefined cursors in Java and create your own cursors using a GIF or PNG that are displayed when the user...

Views: 904 | Rating star | by Stephen
Java - Swing

Adding File Filters to the JFileChooser Dialog

Adding File Filters to the JFileChooser Dialog

When using the JFileChooser dialog to open files, you will usually want to give the user a list of filters to make finding a file of a specific...

Views: 917 | Rating star | by Source
Java - Swing

Java Swing Examples

Java Swing Examples

Online java programming tutorials to learn basic java swing and free examples for beginners.

Views: 970 | Rating star | by Mark
Java - Swing

Tooltips for Individual Items in a JList

Tooltips for Individual Items in a JList

This tutorial shows how to display individual tooltips for items in a JList.

Views: 909 | Rating star | by Colin
Java - Swing

Creating a Font List Box in Java

Creating a Font List Box in Java

This tutorial shows how to use a custom cell renderer to create a font list box.

Views: 927 | Rating star | by Troy
Java - Swing