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Tip: Set up SAX Parsers

Tip: Set up SAX Parsers

This is the first in a series of tips that will serve as a comprehensive guide to using XML from the Java programming language. I begin with...

Views: 953 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - XML and Java

XML generation with JAVA

XML generation with JAVA

XML developers used to rely on XML parsers to read XML files. They also used to rely on XML processors to transform XML to *ML (HTML, XML, etc.)....

Views: 1178 | Rating star | by Source
Java - XML and Java

Long-term persistence: Serialize JavaBean component state to XML

Long-term persistence: Serialize JavaBean component state to XML

The ability to save the JavaBean component state for long-term persistence within an XML document has been a topic of much discussion with Java...

Views: 906 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - XML and Java

Create REST Services with Java and Atom

Create REST Services with Java and Atom

In this tutorial learn the basics behind Representation State Transfer (REST) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP), and how they apply to...

Views: 1015 | Rating star | by Ben
Java - XML and Java