Load content using javascript from an PHP backend script - An Easy Guide with full example.
This example shows how to use AJAX to implement a basic chat system on a website. It refreshes the chat transcript using AJAX to maintain a...
Views: 1161 | | by Donald
Javascript - AJAX
Using jQuery (Lightweight JS Library) to load content from an external PHP file!
Views: 1196 | | by Daniel
Javascript - AJAX
Like many front end developers I've come to Javascript late. Of course I could go and grab one of the many Javascript libraries out there. But...
A script that displays the current date , in the format of 'Friday, March 16, 2001'
Disable the status bar message from appearing on all links, indiscriminately, with this powerful script!
A script that jumps back 'home' when 'h' is pressed. In other words, a script that allows you to specify a target url to go to...
Using Javascript and the DOM you can create content on the fly. You can also make sure that if Javascript is turned off things won't go wrong.
This is a tutorial that shows you how you can easily create a Bookmark Us link on your website. This will bring back old customers to you by...
In this article we are going to see the ways to add different effects at the status bar of a web browser.Here we are see how to add clock at our...
JavaScript Status clock - Advance In previous article JavaScript Status clock Basic we see simple technique to add clock at browser status bar....
JavaScript Status Text Clock Here we are going to display Text Clock at status bar of browser. If you are interested in details then please go...
Five elegant JavaScript horizontal menus that support a second level sub menu when the mouse rolls over a menu tab. Supports the ability to auto...
The if...else if construct can be used to test multiple conditions without having to nest separate if...else statements inside one another.
the switch statement with case entries testing for expected values and providing processing code on a match.
One way to repeat script operations is with the for statement. This statement establishes a program loop inside of which are statements that are...
The document object is associated with the Web page appearing in the browser. It is a property of the window object and is also an object itself...
The blendTrans() filter fades an element out or in. It can be applied only through scripting. Three steps are required.
An effective way of performing script input and output operations is through use of textbox fields. You can use textboxes
This is a simple tutorial that will teach you the basics of AJAX. There are step by step instructions written to assist you on your first...