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Javascript Disable Right Click

Javascript Disable Right Click

If you have quality content on your webpage and want to prevent people stealing your resources, you can add this script to disable the right-mouse...

Views: 982 | Rating star | by Sarah
Javascript - Mouse Tricks

Javascript Wait While Loading Page Display Image

Javascript Wait While Loading Page Display Image

If you have a page that takes long time to display it is a good idea to display a 'wait until the page loads' image. This tutorial show...

Views: 947 | Rating star | by Amy
Javascript - Image Display

Close Window

Close Window

Ever want to place a link or button on your page that will close the window to make it easier on the user? Well heres a quick and easy way to do...

Views: 979 | Rating star | by Brad
Javascript - Windows and Frames

Fill an input field with the current date and time with javascript

Fill an input field with the current date and time with javascript

Use javascript to fill an input field with the current date/time to save time for your self. A handy function with complete code and html to copy...

Views: 910 | Rating star | by Colin
Javascript - Date and Time

Print from javascript

Print from javascript

You can't actually print a document from javascript, but you can open the print dialog to the user.

Views: 909 | Rating star | by Simon
Javascript - Miscellaneous

Ajax Tabs content

Ajax Tabs content

This tab content script uses Ajax to let you display a selection of external content on your page inside a DIV and via CSS tabs.

Views: 1232 | Rating star | by David
Javascript - AJAX

Universal countdown script

Universal countdown script

This is a 'universal' count down script that lets you count down to absolute events whereby the target date/time needs to be specific to...

Views: 960 | Rating star 3 | by Nick
Javascript - Date and Time

Dynamic countdown script

Dynamic countdown script

This is a live count down script that can be set to count down to any future date/time, such as Christmas.

Views: 978 | Rating star | by Simon
Javascript - Date and Time

Table Row and Column Highlighting

Table Row and Column Highlighting

Make a table with highlighting cells when the mouse is over

Views: 960 | Rating star | by Stephen
Javascript - Miscellaneous

Fancy button enlarging/reducing textboxes

Fancy button enlarging/reducing textboxes

Learn how to make those snazzy little buttons which change the textbox's size.

Views: 933 | Rating star | by Source
Javascript - Forms

Using Javascript and Bookmarks to create custom searches on your toolbar

Using Javascript and Bookmarks to create custom searches on your toolbar

Ever have a favorite website that the first thing you do is search it? Create a custom search box with javascript and bookmarks!

Views: 913 | Rating star | by David
Javascript - Links and Buttons

Create simple cross-browser textarea editor

Create simple cross-browser textarea editor

This tutorial will help you create simple cross-browser textarea editor you can use on any of your HTML forms.

Views: 963 | Rating star | by Daniel
Javascript - Forms

AJAX function to retrieve content from the server

AJAX function to retrieve content from the server

Very simple AJAX function. Works great with PHP/MySQL to retrieve database content.

Views: 1133 | Rating star | by Steve
Javascript - AJAX

JavaScript regular expressions guide

JavaScript regular expressions guide

A massive one page JavaScript regular expressions guide and reference.

Views: 975 | Rating star | by Jason
Javascript - Miscellaneous

Introduction to the TreeWalker object of DOM

Introduction to the TreeWalker object of DOM

The TreeWalker object is a powerful DOM2 object that lets you easily filter through and create custom collections out of nodes in the document....

Views: 938 | Rating star | by Mathew
Javascript - Miscellaneous

Functions in Javascript

Functions in Javascript

Use functions in javascript to do pretty much anything your heart desires, learn how to create a function and use it in this tutorial.

Views: 606 | Rating star | by Ben
Javascript - Introduction to Javascript

Adding AJAX to a Website step by step

Adding AJAX to a Website step by step

This tutorial covers taking an existing web application and adding AJAX to it. HTML_AJAX, a PHP AJAX library from the PEAR project is used.

Views: 1235 | Rating star | by Mathew
Javascript - AJAX

Create Cycling Banners

Create Cycling Banners

Create a system that rotates specific banners automatically without the need of the page being refreshed, images only load when they are used so...

Views: 949 | Rating star | by Simon
Javascript - Image Display

Password Strength with JavaScript

Password Strength with JavaScript

Check the strength of a password with JavaScript. The contents of a password input field are evaluated every time a key is pressed. A widget is...

Views: 928 | Rating star | by Donald
Javascript - Security

Remember Text field values

Remember Text field values

Certain form fields always contain the same values, such as your user's name, email address fields etc. This script will remember the values...

Views: 904 | Rating star | by Isac
Javascript - Forms