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Turning Red Hat for Maximum Performance

Turning Red Hat for Maximum Performance

This tutorial details the ins and outs of transforming a stock, 'out of the box' Red Hat installation into a finely tuned, stable system...

Views: 909 | Rating star | by Troy
Linux - Linux and other OSs

DB2 version 9 meets Java business application

DB2 version 9 meets Java business application

It is possible to develop applications that employ both Java and PHP technology on AIX. In this article, learn how to connect the core application...

Views: 927 | Rating star | by Adam
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Construction Using IBM Rational Software

Construction Using IBM Rational Software

Learn how IBM Rational Software Development tools, their broad range of functionality and their use throughout the entire software development...

Views: 934 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Rational Software Architect v7.0

Rational Software Architect v7.0

You can now evaluate Rational Software Architect V7.0 without installing or configuring it on your own system! IBM Rational Software Architect is...

Views: 951 | Rating star | by Slicer
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Build an LDAP-based Address Book

Build an LDAP-based Address Book

It can be a headache. Import and export schemes, if they exist at all, are often too clunky and unsatisfactory to use even once, much less on a...

Views: 994 | Rating star | by Isac
Linux - System Monitoring

Access DB2 for Linux with Python

Access DB2 for Linux with Python

Python is a great tool to use with DB2 Version 8. It combines the ability to quickly and simply access a DB2 database with the power to perform...

Views: 961 | Rating star | by Donald
Linux - Miscellaneous

Ramble Around the UNIX File System

Ramble Around the UNIX File System

Many directories in the UNIX file system serve a special purpose, and certain directories are named per long-standing convention. In this...

Views: 882 | Rating star | by Stephen
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Introduction to User-Mode Linux

Introduction to User-Mode Linux

Ever wish you had a place to let your Linux applications play -- where they wouldn't hurt anything else? User-Mode Linux (UML) lets you set up...

Views: 941 | Rating star | by Mark
Linux - Administration

Build a Linux Test Network

Build a Linux Test Network

This tutorial shows how to combine Samba and GRUB to build a compact, highly adaptable, cross-platform test network, capable of booting and...

Views: 1005 | Rating star | by Source
Linux - Networking

Eclipse Rich Client Platform Apps: EJB Services

Eclipse Rich Client Platform Apps: EJB Services

Learn how to develop an Eclipse Rich Client Platform application that consumes an EJB service hosted in IBM WebSphere Application Server v6 and...

Views: 863 | Rating star | by Stephen
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Programming Linux Sockets

Programming Linux Sockets

This introductory-level tutorial shows how to begin programming with sockets. Focusing on C and Python, it guides you through the creation of an...

Views: 966 | Rating star | by Source
Linux - Networking

Using GNU Text Utilities

Using GNU Text Utilities

UNIX/Linux developers have tagged the utilities in this tutorial as the go-to choice for general text-processing tasks. This tutorial shows you how...

Views: 967 | Rating star | by Steve
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Rational Systems Developer V7.0

Rational Systems Developer V7.0

IBM Rational Systems Developer is a design and development tool that takes advantage of the full power of Eclipse and includes plug-ins that enable...

Views: 888 | Rating star | by Stephen
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Network Packet Capturing for Linux

Network Packet Capturing for Linux

This tutorial covers different mechanisms for capturing and manipulating packets. Security applications such as VPNs, firewalls, and sniffers, and...

Views: 977 | Rating star | by Ben
Linux - Networking

Basic Websphere Host Access Trans. Services

Basic Websphere Host Access Trans. Services

This tutorial includes demos and two practical exercises that teach you how to develop, transform, and test a rich client application. The client...

Views: 878 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Linux Networking: DHCP to Manage IP Addresses

Linux Networking: DHCP to Manage IP Addresses

The second in a three-part series on how to leverage Linux to get the most from your network, this tutorial shows how to set up a Dynamic Host...

Views: 896 | Rating star | by Colin
Linux - Networking

Integrate Linux and Windows with Samba

Integrate Linux and Windows with Samba

The third in a three-part series on how to leverage Linux to get the most from your network, this tutorial shows how to use Samba to integrate your...

Views: 980 | Rating star | by Isac
Linux - Networking

Improve Your Memory Programming

Improve Your Memory Programming

Do you find yourself constantly being bogged down in programs that leak memory, violate memory bounds, use uninitialized data, and devote an...

Views: 947 | Rating star | by Nick
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Linux Perl Scripting in C Applications

Linux Perl Scripting in C Applications

Embedding an existing language gets you the benefits of an established language to expand the functionality of your application in a flexible way...

Views: 997 | Rating star | by Sean
Linux - Shells and Utilities

Build Intelligent, Unattended Scripts

Build Intelligent, Unattended Scripts

Building scripts and running them automatically is a task that every good administrator has to handle, but how do you handle the error output and...

Views: 912 | Rating star | by Brad
Linux - Linux and other OSs