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Monitoring Your Network,Servers and Clients With High Performance Zabbix

Monitoring Your Network,Servers and Clients With High Performance Zabbix

ZABBIX is a 24×7 monitoring solution without high cost.ZABBIX is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and...

Views: 985 | Rating star | by Stephen
Linux - System Monitoring

Monitor Servers and Clients using Munin in Ubuntu

Monitor Servers and Clients using Munin in Ubuntu

“Munin” means “memory”.Munin the tool surveys all your computers and remembers what it saw. It presents all the information in in graphs...

Views: 1023 | Rating star | by Stephen
Linux - System Monitoring

Enterprise log management - a comparison of 3 big logging systems (Snare vs. Splunk vs. LogLogic)

Enterprise log management - a comparison of 3 big logging systems (Snare vs. Splunk vs. LogLogic)

No doubt that if you are working with large and medium sized servers and infrastructures, you have come across the need to collect logs and review...

Views: 993 | Rating star | by Adam
Linux - System Monitoring

Build an LDAP-based Address Book

Build an LDAP-based Address Book

It can be a headache. Import and export schemes, if they exist at all, are often too clunky and unsatisfactory to use even once, much less on a...

Views: 985 | Rating star | by Isac
Linux - System Monitoring

Executing Signed Binaries in Linux Kernel

Executing Signed Binaries in Linux Kernel

This tutorial is the second in a two-part series on locking your Linux machines down to streamline the associated support and administration...

Views: 969 | Rating star | by Steve
Linux - System Monitoring