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Integrating Calc Into Your Business

Integrating Calc Into Your Business

Depending on the business and industry, spreadsheets can be anything from very simple lists used for sorting to kazillion cell monsters that add,...

Views: 1480 | Rating star | by David
Linux - X Windows

Integrating Writer into Your Business

Integrating Writer into Your Business

As Linux is brought into service in small and medium sized companies, desktop pilots often wonder how they will ever get off the ground without...

Views: 1399 | Rating star | by Ben
Linux - X Windows



This HOWTO describes how you can use the combination of X Display Manager (xdm, kdm and gdm) and XDMCP (X Display Manager Control Protocol) to...

Views: 951 | Rating star | by Mathew
Linux - X Windows

XFree86 Font Deuglification Mini HOWTO

XFree86 Font Deuglification Mini HOWTO

This HOWTO, maintained by Hal Burgiss, tells how to improve ugly and unreadable X Window fonts. It includes various tips for improving font...

Views: 983 | Rating star | by Source
Linux - X Windows

GNOME Configuration Made Easy

GNOME Configuration Made Easy

In this introductory column, Michael Hall explores the basics of GNOME: how to get it, how to install it, and how to tweak it.

Views: 975 | Rating star | by Sarah
Linux - X Windows

Controlling Linux Remotely With X11

Controlling Linux Remotely With X11

X isn't only about graphics: James gives an overview of the powerful features in the X window system for running programs remotely.

Views: 937 | Rating star | by Troy
Linux - X Windows