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An advanced GUI library for Python - PyQT

An advanced GUI library for Python - PyQT

The Qt toolkit is a widely-used cross-platform GUI toolkit, available for Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and handheld platforms. QT has a...

Views: 1675 | Rating star 3 | by Sarah
Python - Development

Functional programming in Python, Part 2

Functional programming in Python, Part 2

This column continues the introduction to functional programming (FP) in Python. The introduction to different paradigms of program problem-solving...

Views: 1704 | Rating star | by Jason
Python - Development

Functional programming in Python

Functional programming in Python

Although users usually think of Python as a procedural and object-oriented language, it actually contains everything you need for a completely...

Views: 1684 | Rating star | by Brad
Python - Development

Web Python Tutorial

Web Python Tutorial

People are always asking how to use Python in Web programming. As a general rule the only option to use Python in shared hosts is through CGI. This...

Views: 1672 | Rating star | by John
Python - Development

Programming Sockets in Python

Programming Sockets in Python

In this tutorial, you first learn a few Python basics and see why Python makes a good network programming language. Then you move on to the basic...

Views: 1030 | Rating star | by Jason
Python - Development

Programming the OLPC Laptop using Python

Programming the OLPC Laptop using Python

The XO laptop intended (of the One-Laptop-Per-Child initiative) uses GNU/Linux as the underlying operating system, and includes an application...

Views: 964 | Rating star | by Source
Python - Development

Pygame in 10 Easy Steps

Pygame in 10 Easy Steps

This is a line-by-line tutorial that will guide you through the basics of creating a simple game using the popular Pygame library. If you know...

Views: 1043 | Rating star | by Slicer
Python - Development