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Charming Python: Text processing in Python for beginners

Charming Python: Text processing in Python for beginners

Along with several other popular scripting languages, Python is an excellent tool for scanning and manipulating textual data. This article...

Views: 1448 | Rating star | by Brad
Python - Introduction to Python

Python 101 - Introduction to Python

Python 101 - Introduction to Python

This document is a syllabus for a first course in Python programming. This course contains an introduction to the Python language, instruction in...

Views: 1673 | Rating star | by Nick
Python - Introduction to Python

Python 201 -- (Slightly) Advanced Python Topics

Python 201 -- (Slightly) Advanced Python Topics

This document is a syllabus for a second course in Python programming. This course contains discussions of several advanced topics that are of...

Views: 1484 | Rating star | by Sean
Python - Introduction to Python

Python Babysteps Tutorial

Python Babysteps Tutorial

This is a tutorial to help the non-programmer learn the basics of using Python. When you are done with it, you will be ready to learn this new...

Views: 1685 | Rating star | by Marry
Python - Introduction to Python

The Complete Python Tutorial

The Complete Python Tutorial

The complete Python tutorial from Pythonlabs. Full doc showing everything you need to get started with Python today.

Views: 1617 | Rating star | by Sarah
Python - Introduction to Python

Programming for Absolute Beginners

Programming for Absolute Beginners

A head start in the coding world with a modern and easy to learn language.

Views: 1556 | Rating star | by Donald
Python - Introduction to Python

Intro to Python Generators

Intro to Python Generators

Generators are a very cool Python abstraction that allows you to greatly simplify control flow and can also lead to much lower memory consumption.

Views: 1020 | Rating star | by John
Python - Introduction to Python

Python Tutorial for beginners

Python Tutorial for beginners

An introduction to python, made in python for beginner/nonprogrammers. So please visit this site if you are a complete beginner, it will definitley...

Views: 1017 | Rating star | by Jarry
Python - Introduction to Python

Installing Python/Your First Script

Installing Python/Your First Script

In this tutorial, learn how install python on your computer and write your first script.

Views: 988 | Rating star | by Colin
Python - Introduction to Python

Run a script from a text file

Run a script from a text file

In this tutorial, you make a python file, save it to the desktop, and learn how to change the directory in the terminal so it points to the desktop...

Views: 984 | Rating star | by Slicer
Python - Introduction to Python

More Printing, Arithmetic, and Comments

More Printing, Arithmetic, and Comments

Learn more printing, Arithmetic, and comments in Python.

Views: 999 | Rating star | by Adam
Python - Introduction to Python



learn about variables in python. Variables are a letter(s) or letters and numbers combined which store data.

Views: 954 | Rating star | by Jason
Python - Introduction to Python



Today, we are going to talk about the while loop. It is a control structure. Normally, statements are executed from the top down line by line. A...

Views: 1010 | Rating star | by Slicer
Python - Introduction to Python



Learn more about control structures: If, elif, and, or, ect. commands

Views: 1052 | Rating star | by Sean
Python - Introduction to Python

Defining Functions

Defining Functions

The ‘def’ command defines, or creates, a function that can be used throughout the program.

Views: 1004 | Rating star | by Brad
Python - Introduction to Python

Lists Part 1

Lists Part 1

Learn about the list value. Ordinary variables hold one value. The list variable can hold multiple values.

Views: 953 | Rating star | by Nick
Python - Introduction to Python

Lists Part 2

Lists Part 2

We begin with a list named ‘greek_letters’, with the first five Greek letters. We tell the terminal to print the third value with the command...

Views: 958 | Rating star | by Brad
Python - Introduction to Python

The “for” Loop

The “for” Loop

‘For’ loops are like ‘while’ loops, but ‘for’ loops give a better way to go through the elements in a list or repeat an argument multiple times...

Views: 554 | Rating star | by Jason
Python - Introduction to Python

Boolean Expressions

Boolean Expressions

Boolean expressions are expressions that have the values ‘True’ or ‘False’ as results.

Views: 1073 | Rating star | by Stephen
Python - Introduction to Python

Dictionaries Part 1

Dictionaries Part 1

A dictionary is a type of list with two parts: keys and values. The keys are used to find values. Keys and values are analogous in a dictionary to...

Views: 1034 | Rating star | by Colin
Python - Introduction to Python