You will see how easy it is to make an airplane chase another one with this easy lesson. You'll create a motion guide layer with a motion...
Learn how to create a curve lines using Action Script.
This tutorial will show you how to create some shape effect using Shape Hint.
Horizontal navigation arrow that tracks the mouse. Makes your UI professional. Great for beginners and experts alike.
Make your life easier while actionscripting by the use of the trace() method and comments. This ActionScript tutorial is excellent for beginners in...
A great tutorial explaining how to make a preloader. All Actionscript explained.
In this tutorial I’ll guide you through process of creating a stretchable animated Flash header.
Learn how to create a simple address book in Flash using shared objects.
Learn how to password protect in Flash!
This thoroughly explained lesson will show you how to make a drawing pad for your Flash site. The final SWF is less than 1 KB in size! All the...
Learn how to create a lot objects using Copy to Grid Effect.
In Flash, the ComboBox component is basically nothing more than your basic dropdown list that you see in forms on the Internet. In this video,...
Learning how to make an object move along a path can prove extremely useful. For making flash cartoons this is essential.
Create easily a cool masking effect in Flash with a few lines of ActionScript. Also, you will see how easy it is to enable your users drag the mask...
This one is fairly simple - but can save alot of time and hassle in the future (if you have a continous project, i.e website) it will allow you to...
Views: 649 | | by Daniel
Flash - Backend
A complete guide to animating video game sprites from within flash. Includes EXTENSIVE list of sprite sheet sources.
Ever thought about making a series of photo’s that act like a slideshow which you can put on the web? In this tutorial I will touch on one simple...
Create a flash banner for your website as easy as ABC.
Make a shiny glass orb that resembles the eye of the HAL 9000 computer by using the blend modes in Flash 8. Simple to implement yet yielding great...
Views: 945 | | by Sean
Flash - Drawing
This tutorial will teach you about Timeline Motion Tween effect.