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Ultimate Flash 8 preloader

Ultimate Flash 8 preloader

Create a preloading system that shows the percentage of your movie loaded so far while animating it, a loading bar and the loaded/total ratio. This...

Views: 365 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Actionscripting

Frame by Frame Animation

Frame by Frame Animation

Typically, frame-by-frame animation techniques are reserved for things like precise positioning and character animation. However, you can also use...

Views: 630 | Rating star | by Amy
Flash - Animation

Cartoon Gun Shooting - Part 1 (Video Tutorial)

Cartoon Gun Shooting - Part 1 (Video Tutorial)

This tutorial shows you how to animate a cartoon character shooting another character. Great for cartoonists.

Views: 537 | Rating star | by Marry
Flash - Animation

Flash Game

Flash Game

If you have ever wanted to know how to make simple and fun little video games using flash then this is the tutorial for you. Take a second and find...

Views: 383 | Rating star | by Mathew
Flash - Actionscripting

Create a mp3 player with animated equalizer and playback controls!

Create a mp3 player with animated equalizer and playback controls!

Make a music player in Flash that can load and play an external mp3 file and play it in a loop. Great for website background music. You'll...

Views: 602 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Audio

Custom Cursor

Custom Cursor

Replace the user's cursor with a custom one that you design.

Views: 699 | Rating star | by Sarah
Flash - Tips and Techniques

Super Preloader

Super Preloader

Super Preloader that shows download rate and time remaining.

Views: 689 | Rating star 3 | by Ben
Flash - Tips and Techniques

Making and Animating a Robot

Making and Animating a Robot

Learn how to making and Animating a Robot using as.

Views: 656 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Animation

Building a Dynamic Photo Gallery

Building a Dynamic Photo Gallery

This tutorial walks you through the process of building a dynamic photo gallery that allows you to load both thumbnails and full images at runtime...

Views: 378 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Actionscripting

Morphing with Shape Tweens

Morphing with Shape Tweens

Learn how to morph with Shape Tweens using macromedia flash.

Views: 538 | Rating star | by Ben
Flash - Animation

Animated Shine

Animated Shine

Learn how to add an animated shine to a Mercury Cougar C2 using a gradient and mask technique.

Views: 629 | Rating star | by Jarry
Flash - Animation

Create an old-style terminal screen autotyping readout text

Create an old-style terminal screen autotyping readout text

Make this nice effect using only a dynamic text field and a few lines of ActionScript code. You will learn a lot though, so don't miss this one.

Views: 691 | Rating star | by Troy
Flash - Text Effects

Conditionals and Toggle Switches

Conditionals and Toggle Switches

A conditional is a way of executing a piece of code only if the circumstances are right. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the if()...

Views: 371 | Rating star | by Sarah
Flash - Actionscripting

Common mistakes in Flash development

Common mistakes in Flash development

'Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes'. Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900) We all make mistakes and this is good because it is...

Views: 619 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Tips and Techniques

Flash versus HTML : a real debate ?

Flash versus HTML : a real debate ?

5-6 years ago there was the phenomena of 'Flashmania' all over the web. Big corporate names, especially in the car industry, were all...

Views: 625 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Tips and Techniques

MDM Quickstart Tutorial

MDM Quickstart Tutorial

This Quickstart guide is aimed at users who are completely new to the concept of SWF2EXE applications. It requires the end user to have a basic...

Views: 632 | Rating star | by Stephen
Flash - 3rd Party

Creating a Grid Dynamically with Actionscript

Creating a Grid Dynamically with Actionscript

There are plenty of reasons why you would like to create a grid in Flash, if you are creating a sudoku a crossword activity or a chess game you...

Views: 714 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Tips and Techniques

Creating a Dynamic Portfolio in Flash

Creating a Dynamic Portfolio in Flash

This tutorial will teach you how to create an advanced portfolio that dynamically loads images and text from external sources.

Views: 696 | Rating star | by Mark
Flash - Interactivity

Make an eye-catching 360 degree panoramic VR ad banner

Make an eye-catching 360 degree panoramic VR ad banner

Learn to create a simple but very effective flash banner ad with an uninterrupted infinite landscape animation. Make the banner clickable and...

Views: 531 | Rating star | by Mark
Flash - Animation

Dynamic Flash Menu

Dynamic Flash Menu

If you have a headache of traditional and static menus,and you want to something dynamically and attractive, the flash menu is a perfect choice for...

Views: 572 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Navigation