
Creating a simple username and password menu
This tutorial shows how to create a simple username and password menu. It can easily be used by a little number of users and the best part is that...
Views: 749 |
| by Slicer
Flash - Actionscripting

actionScript'ed typewriter in flash
With these three easy steps, you have your very own typewriter, made in pure AS.
Views: 0 |
| by Ben
Flash - Actionscripting

Understanding objects in ActionScript
Before you understand the fundamental principals of object oriented programming in Flash, your work is unlikely to utilise the full potential of...
Views: 769 |
| by Amy
Flash - Actionscripting

making a Movie Clip move across the stage
An easy way to make a one frame move just adding action script to a movie clip.
Views: 791 |
| by Ben
Flash - Actionscripting

AS move with number of loops
Make a movie clip move across the stage and stope it after 'n' loops with Action Script.
Views: 706 |
| by Jarry
Flash - Actionscripting

API Drawing
A tutorial that will teach you how to make an actionscripted drawing application for use in paint or drawing flash programs.
Views: 752 |
| by John
Flash - Actionscripting

Drawing Spider Web Using API
Learning one of new flash MX features drawing API to Create spider web.
Views: 720 |
| by Mathew
Flash - Actionscripting

Understanding Objects in ActionScript - revised
Before you understand the fundamental principals of object oriented programming in Flash, your work is unlikely to utilise the full potential of...
Views: 727 |
| by Nick
Flash - Actionscripting

delay, pausing, waiting, in MX
How to create a delay before initiating an action, or playing a movie.
Views: 763 |
| by Steve
Flash - Actionscripting

Advanced HitTest in Flash MX
This tutorial is a must read for anyone contemplating using hitTest with both the Target and Shapetest arguments. Tested in MX, this tutorial makes...
Views: 831 |
| by Nick
Flash - Actionscripting

Creating Flash Pop-Up Windows with the attachMovie method
Want to spice up your Flash project with more interactivity or simulate a UI? This tutorial shows you how to use the attachMovie method to add a...
Views: 704 |
| by Mathew
Flash - Actionscripting

How to make date & time appear in Flash MX!
In this tutorial you're gonna learn how to add the time & date in Flash MX! It doesn't need any knowledge of actionscript, just how to...
Views: 689 |
| by Tutorial
Flash - Actionscripting

Sound With ActionScript
How to add sound via actionscript.
Views: 727 |
| by Nick
Flash - Actionscripting

Loading Sequence, Loading Animation or Preloader
Provides an accurate loading sequence that is frame independent, efficient and easily re-useable.
Views: 736 |
| by Tutorial
Flash - Actionscripting

Php Highscoreboard
With this tutorial you will learn how to create a php flash based highscoreboard table.
Views: 706 |
| by Jason
Flash - Actionscripting

Score Posting
It's not hard to hack a score post to PHP. If you're posting the data, player = 'Mark' and score = '50' so you can...
Views: 748 |
| by Jason
Flash - Actionscripting

Custom color
This tutorial will show you how to change the color of a movie clip with a little help from Action Script.
Views: 781 |
| by Mathew
Flash - Actionscripting

HOW TO Intercommunication between two separate SWF files.
This tutorial will gide you, to make two Flash movies that are running (One proyector & one in the player, or player/browser, or browser/browser,...
Views: 735 |
| by Slicer
Flash - Actionscripting

Actionscript 2 example: creating buttons
This is an introductory tutorial using AS2 syntax showing how to create buttons. It is recommended to read the help files in Flash MX2004 about AS2...
Views: 807 |
| by Ben
Flash - Actionscripting

Flash 5 Percentage Preloader
There are alot of preloader tutorials on flash-kit, but none of them tell you how do to percentages, when really its one of the most simple ones.
Views: 746 |
| by Donald
Flash - Actionscripting

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