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Creating a Virutal Reality Viewer

Creating a Virutal Reality Viewer

Take any 360 degree image, and play it just like QuickTime VR and iPix!

Views: 563 | Rating star | by Colin
Flash - Actionscripting

Flash 5.0 ActionScript Special-Effect (Optic Infusion Slideshow)

Flash 5.0 ActionScript Special-Effect (Optic Infusion Slideshow)

This tutorial shows how to use Flash 5.0 Actionscript to build a kick-ass slideshow.

Views: 539 | Rating star | by Amy
Flash - Actionscripting

PHP Countdown for 2001/2002/2003-2099

PHP Countdown for 2001/2002/2003-2099

This tutorial will teach you how to make a countdown with realtime data from server in FLASH 5 with PHP.

Views: 572 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Actionscripting

Implementing a hitTest array

Implementing a hitTest array

This tutorial explains how to use an array for hitTest purposes.

Views: 634 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Actionscripting

dtfusion style nav bar

dtfusion style nav bar

Learn how to make the menu featured at's v2. Includes all actionscripting and even the source code if you can't quite get it!

Views: 518 | Rating star | by Ben
Flash - Actionscripting

Unicode in FlashMX

Unicode in FlashMX

Covers how to include unicode characters (such as japanese) and have them show up in Flash Player 6. The text is loaded in from external text files.

Views: 538 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Actionscripting

Variable variables in actionscript

Variable variables in actionscript

This tute will show you how to create variable variables in AS similar to those in interpreted languages like PHP.

Views: 549 | Rating star | by David
Flash - Actionscripting

Action Script Clock

Action Script Clock

This is one what i made out of my ebility. its action script is too short.

Views: 663 | Rating star | by Steve
Flash - Actionscripting

Flash MX 2004 MovieClipLoader Class

Flash MX 2004 MovieClipLoader Class

Flash MX 2004 now provides the class for preloading images and swf files. Now you don't have to use the obsolete loadMovie method to load your...

Views: 572 | Rating star | by Troy
Flash - Actionscripting

Flash MX 2004 Video Capturing!

Flash MX 2004 Video Capturing!

Video Capturing has never been easier than this. With the Actionscript 2.0 API, you can actually view video from a local system.

Views: 498 | Rating star | by Stephen
Flash - Actionscripting

Flash MX 2004 Vector Class (Custom)

Flash MX 2004 Vector Class (Custom)

The Custom Vector Class in Actionscript 2.0 by Webwizard Inc. To have a dynamic collection instead of using arrays when the total quantity is...

Views: 531 | Rating star | by Source
Flash - Actionscripting

Flower in polar coordinates using action script

Flower in polar coordinates using action script

This tutorial describes how to create flower using only action script. And You can find here detailed description about polar coordinates that...

Views: 500 | Rating star | by Jarry
Flash - Actionscripting

How to make a Pull-down menu in flash

How to make a Pull-down menu in flash

Using intermediate-advanced actionscripting to use a pull down menu effect.

Views: 516 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Actionscripting

Loading .TXT files in Flash

Loading .TXT files in Flash

I'm sure alot of people want to be able to change the text in a .swf file without changing the .fla file, and then having to reload the .swf...

Views: 519 | Rating star | by Jarry
Flash - Actionscripting

Capture key events

Capture key events

Using Flash MX Actionscript to capture key events such as pressing up and down keys, used in game control for example.

Views: 517 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Actionscripting

Easy Preloader Bar!

Easy Preloader Bar!

Once you have read this entire tutorial, you will have a perfectly clear understanding on making a preloader bar for your flash files! It works...

Views: 651 | Rating star | by Slicer
Flash - Actionscripting

12 HOUR Digital Clock

12 HOUR Digital Clock

Most clock tutorials teach you to make a 24hr digital clock because thats how flash tells the time. In this step by step tutorial, i will show you...

Views: 527 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Actionscripting

Launching a Centered Pop-Up Window

Launching a Centered Pop-Up Window

A common feature that you can see on many Flash sites is the pop-up window. This one is a little bit different; it is centered. You click a button...

Views: 543 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Actionscripting

Simple animated sound toggle button

Simple animated sound toggle button

A simple animated sound toggle button which will allow you to play and stop music easily. Very basic actionscripting required!

Views: 526 | Rating star | by Colin
Flash - Actionscripting

Using the ScrollPane Component

Using the ScrollPane Component

This lesson will introduce you to incorporating the Flash MX ScrollPane component into your movies for the purpose of scrolling thumbnails to load...

Views: 508 | Rating star | by Jason
Flash - Actionscripting