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Spot defects early with Java Continuous Integration

Spot defects early with Java Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (or CI) is a process that consists of continuously compiling, testing, inspecting, and deploying source code. Get introduced...

Views: 635 | Rating star | by Source
Java - General Java

Get the Day Names in Java

Get the Day Names in Java

This tutorial shows how to get the day names for the current locale or for a specific locale.

Views: 697 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Java - General Java

Scala presents functional programming for the object oriented

Scala presents functional programming for the object oriented

The Java platform has historically been the province of object-oriented programming, but even Java language stalwarts are starting to pay attention...

Views: 623 | Rating star | by Jason
Java - General Java

Create rich applications with JavaFX Script

Create rich applications with JavaFX Script

JavaFX Script, which made its debut last spring, is a scripting language that runs on top of Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 and makes it easy to...

Views: 665 | Rating star | by Stephen
Java - General Java

Leverage automation to move your software quickly

Leverage automation to move your software quickly

Automated builds aren't just for development teams — they can be extended to facilitate moving software from development all the way into...

Views: 691 | Rating star | by Isac
Java - General Java

Create dynamic applications with

Create dynamic applications with

This article provides an overview of the major classes in the package, demonstrates how to use them to create a façade for compiling Java source...

Views: 650 | Rating star | by Mathew
Java - General Java

Understand Scala’s class syntax and semantics

Understand Scala’s class syntax and semantics

In this second installment of The busy Java developer's guide to Scala series, learn a basic premise of language measurement: that the power...

Views: 341 | Rating star | by Isac
Java - General Java

Transactions, distribution and security with Java db4o

Transactions, distribution and security with Java db4o

Java developers can get a lot of mileage out of storing objects directly in an object-oriented database like db4o. Learn how db4o handles three...

Views: 648 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Java - General Java

Your First Java Program - Hello World and Console

Your First Java Program - Hello World and Console

An easy to follow tutorial for Java beginners. It generalizes a lot of things, but it is quick and to the point. Includes Hello World, Console, and...

Views: 698 | Rating star | by Nick
Java - General Java

Java diagnostics with the Lock Analyzer Part 3

Java diagnostics with the Lock Analyzer Part 3

The IBM Lock Analyzer for Java, available from alphaWorks, provides real-time lock monitoring on a running Java application. This article...

Views: 686 | Rating star | by Donald
Java - General Java

Java DB (Derby) - ResultSet Objects of Queries

Java DB (Derby) - ResultSet Objects of Queries

This article provides tutorial notes on JDBC ResultSet with Java DB (Derby) JDBC Driver. Topics include ResultSet cursor, scrollable, and update...

Views: 918 | Rating star | by Sean
Java - Database Related

Determine if a Year is a Leap Year in Java

Determine if a Year is a Leap Year in Java

Java provides an easy mechanism to determine if a specific year is a leap year. This tutorial shows how you how.

Views: 655 | Rating star | by Amy
Java - General Java

Create REST Services with Java and Atom

Create REST Services with Java and Atom

In this tutorial learn the basics behind Representation State Transfer (REST) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP), and how they apply to...

Views: 997 | Rating star | by Ben
Java - XML and Java

Continuous Integration Anti-patterns with Java

Continuous Integration Anti-patterns with Java

While Continuous Integration can be extremely effective at reducing risks on a project, it requires a greater emphasis on your day-to-day...

Views: 673 | Rating star | by Daniel
Java - General Java

No Java skills Needed to Create a Java Web App

No Java skills Needed to Create a Java Web App

This tutorial shows you how to create a Java Web application without knowing the Java. This tutorial demonstrates Rational Business Developer...

Views: 941 | Rating star | by Jason
Java - Development

Writing Java Database Apps with purQuery

Writing Java Database Apps with purQuery

This demo describes three scenarios, so you can learn how you can use pureQuery -- IBM's new paradigm for writing Java database applications....

Views: 1021 | Rating star | by Source
Java - Database Related

Protecting JSF applications with Acegi

Protecting JSF applications with Acegi

This article first explains the features Acegi provides for this purpose and dispels some common misconceptions about using Acegi with JSF, then...

Views: 717 | Rating star | by Mathew
Java - General Java

Tut 1 - Hello World!

Tut 1 - Hello World!

A simple video tutorial of a series of upcoming video tutorials on basic java programming. Everyone can learn and be able to (at least) write...

Views: 672 | Rating star | by Donald
Java - General Java

Structured objects and collections with Java db4o

Structured objects and collections with Java db4o

In this installment of The busy Java developer's guide to db4o, discover the surprising ease (and power) of using inheritance as a core...

Views: 650 | Rating star | by Daniel
Java - General Java

Mastering Grails: GORM: Funny name, serious technology

Mastering Grails: GORM: Funny name, serious technology

Any good Web framework needs a solid persistence strategy. In this second installment of his Mastering Grails series, Scott Davis introduces the...

Views: 692 | Rating star | by Steve
Java - General Java