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Weighing in on Java native compilation

Weighing in on Java native compilation

Learn the pros and cons of generating native code from Java source. This article includes the basics of code compilation, including a brief...

Views: 1372 | Rating star | by Amy
Java - Development

Exploiting ThreadLocal to enhance scalability

Exploiting ThreadLocal to enhance scalability

The ThreadLocal class appeared with little fanfare in version 1.2 of the Java platform. While support for thread-local variables has long been a...

Views: 1285 | Rating star | by Brad
Java - Development

Working with preferences: the Preferences API Specification

Working with preferences: the Preferences API Specification

The addition of the java.util.prefs package to Java 1.4 (through JSR 10) lets you manipulate user preference data and configuration data by...

Views: 1148 | Rating star | by Adam
Java - Development

Improve the performance of your Java code

Improve the performance of your Java code

Many algorithms are expressed most concisely as tail-recursive methods. Compilers can automatically transform such methods into loops and thereby...

Views: 1307 | Rating star | by Steve
Java - Development

How to lock down your Java code

How to lock down your Java code

You inevitably spend some part of your week crunching code that you didn't write, and for which you may not have the source. This...

Views: 1498 | Rating star | by Nick
Java - Development

EJB 2.1 Kick Start : Implementing a Solution Using EJB 2.1.

EJB 2.1 Kick Start : Implementing a Solution Using EJB 2.1.

Sample chapter from 'EJB 2.1 Kick Start' on installing an application server to developing and deploying an EJB on it.

Views: 1177 | Rating star 3 | by Jarry
Java - EJB

EJB exception handling

EJB exception handling

As J2EE has become the enterprise development platform of choice, more and more J2EE-based applications are going into production. One important...

Views: 1461 | Rating star | by Slicer
Java - EJB

Herong's Notes on JDK

Herong's Notes on JDK

A collection of notes and simple codes on JDK. Topics include, calendar & dates, formatting, internationalization, collections, character sets &...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Marry
Java - General Java

Perl to Java regular expressions tutorial

Perl to Java regular expressions tutorial

This tiny tutorial is for those who are familiar with regular expressions in Perl and want to use them in Java too. I give some examples in Perl on...

Views: 1333 | Rating star | by Colin
Java - General Java

Whizlabs SCBCD (Sun Certified Business Component Developer) Exam Simulator

Whizlabs SCBCD (Sun Certified Business Component Developer) Exam Simulator

Ensure your success in SCBCD exam with Whizlabs Simulator, the most effective training software for the Sun Certified Business Component Developer...

Views: 1417 | Rating star | by Donald
Java - General Java

Reading and Parsing XML Files with Enterprise JavaBeans

Reading and Parsing XML Files with Enterprise JavaBeans

A step-by-step tutorial in which we will create a Session EJB which will read a given XML file. So in this tutorial you will learn two things; how...

Views: 1316 | Rating star | by Stephen
Java - Javabeans

Building your first Enterprise JavaBean.

Building your first Enterprise JavaBean.

This step by step tutorial will show you how to build a simple Session EJB. It will then deploy this EJB on JBoss Server and call it from a JSP...

Views: 1385 | Rating star | by Source
Java - Javabeans

An Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans

An Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans

An article on what are EJBs, what they provide, what are their different types and when and why to use them.

Views: 1452 | Rating star | by Daniel
Java - Javabeans

Creating a Browser Detection JavaBean

Creating a Browser Detection JavaBean

A step by step tutorial to create a JavaBean which detects user browser and .NET enabled status. You can use this bean to develop browser friendly...

Views: 1421 | Rating star | by Adam
Java - Javabeans

What are JavaBeans?

What are JavaBeans?

An article on JavaBeans, answers questions like what JavaBeans are and how to create your own JavaBean. Online demo available.

Views: 1389 | Rating star | by John
Java - Javabeans

JSP templates

JSP templates

Window toolkits typically provide a layout mechanism that positions widgets in a container. For example, AWT and Swing have layout managers, and...

Views: 1200 | Rating star | by Daniel
Java - JSP and Servlets

Counting Active Users on your web site using JSP

Counting Active Users on your web site using JSP

Ever wondered how many users are viewing your website at this moment? well this article seems to answer that. This article will show you how to...

Views: 1043 | Rating star | by Mark
Java - JSP and Servlets

Managing Sessions with Java Servlets

Managing Sessions with Java Servlets

An article on managing sessions. First describes what is a session? how to identify a user across multiple pages and how to manage sessions using...

Views: 1208 | Rating star | by Donald
Java - JSP and Servlets

Handling Cookies

Handling Cookies

This tutorial discusses the creation and use of cookies in Servlets. Includes an example of a customized search engine interface.

Views: 1158 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Java - JSP and Servlets

Simplest Database Sorting (Up & Down) in JSP

Simplest Database Sorting (Up & Down) in JSP

This is the simplest and fastest code that implements table sorting in JSP (Sort Ascending & Sort Descending). Excellent for JSP Database beginers

Views: 1020 | Rating star | by Nick
Java - JSP and Servlets