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Introduction to WBEM and the CIM

Introduction to WBEM and the CIM

This is a continuation of the three-part series on building resource management applications. It takes a look at the Web-Based Enterprise...

Views: 990 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - Miscellaneous

Getting started with the FMA and Jiro

Getting started with the FMA and Jiro

If you're looking for a unique programming challenge, try your hand at building a management application for a distributed, cross-platform...

Views: 1004 | Rating star | by Sarah
Java - Miscellaneous

Faster apps on a better machine

Faster apps on a better machine

If you want to build and run faster Java applications on the IBM Developer Kit for Linux, version 1.3, roll up your sleeves and prepare to get...

Views: 938 | Rating star | by Sarah
Java - Miscellaneous

Diagnosing Java Code: The Liar View bug pattern

Diagnosing Java Code: The Liar View bug pattern

GUIs are generally designed with a model-view-controller architecture in which the view is decoupled from the model. The separation presents a...

Views: 808 | Rating star | by Daniel
Java - Miscellaneous

Build your own Java-based supercomputer

Build your own Java-based supercomputer

If you've ever wanted to build your own supercomputer but have been held back by the demands of parallel programming in C, Pseudo Remote...

Views: 992 | Rating star | by John
Java - Miscellaneous

Creating a text adventure game in Java

Creating a text adventure game in Java

This is a series of tutorials that show you how to create an object-orientated adventure gaming system.

Views: 1040 | Rating star | by David
Java - Miscellaneous

Java Certification Success, Part 2 : SCWCD

Java Certification Success, Part 2 : SCWCD

Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) is one of most coveted certifications in the J2EE domain.

Views: 672 | Rating star | by Mathew
Java - Miscellaneous

Using Google Web Services API in Java

Using Google Web Services API in Java

Google uses SOAP and WSDL standards to allow access from most programming languages. In addition to the SOAP access, Google has created a set of...

Views: 598 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - Miscellaneous

Spell Checking with Google Web Services API

Spell Checking with Google Web Services API

In our tutorial Using Google Web Services API, we discussed how to use the Java classes to access the Google Web API. In this tutorial, we will...

Views: 614 | Rating star | by Marry
Java - Miscellaneous

Get Environment Variables in Java

Get Environment Variables in Java

In Java 1.5, Sun had decided to undeprecate the getEnv() method that provides the functionality to get the value of an enviroment variable. In...

Views: 611 | Rating star | by Nick
Java - Miscellaneous

Programming in Java

Programming in Java

Start to build your skills, you might download some of the frameworks I discuss, and learn a few new languages. This tutorial will teach you what a...

Views: 610 | Rating star | by John
Java - Miscellaneous

Java Tool Tutorial Book

Java Tool Tutorial Book

'Java Tool Tutorials' is a free tutorial book based on notes and sample codes collected by the author while he was learning Java tools...

Views: 628 | Rating star | by Donald
Java - Miscellaneous

Programming a Paint Brush in Java

Programming a Paint Brush in Java

This program will help you enhance your mouse event concepts in Java. As the title indicates you will be playing with a brush after you go through...

Views: 627 | Rating star | by Sean
Java - Miscellaneous

Get the File Type Icon with Java

Get the File Type Icon with Java

This tutorial will shows how to get the file system icon for a specific file.

Views: 622 | Rating star | by Adam
Java - Miscellaneous

A Closer Look at Methods

A Closer Look at Methods

A method is a set of statements grouped together to perform a specific task. It is written to define the behavior of an object or a class. In...

Views: 717 | Rating star | by Isac
Java - Miscellaneous

Log4j Tutorial, examples file, email, Tomcat

Log4j Tutorial, examples file, email, Tomcat

This tutorial explains how to set up log4j with email, files and stdout. It compares XML to properties configuration files, shows how to change...

Views: 618 | Rating star | by Mark
Java - Miscellaneous

An AJAX email contact form using DWR and Scriptaculous

An AJAX email contact form using DWR and Scriptaculous

A tutorial and available source demonstrating how to use DWR to map Java objects to JavaScript objects for making AJAX requests. This specific...

Views: 648 | Rating star | by David
Java - Miscellaneous

Convert a Color Image to a Gray Scale Image in Java

Convert a Color Image to a Gray Scale Image in Java

This tutorial will show you how to convert a color image to a gray scale image in Java. In Java, there are a number of ways to convert a color...

Views: 595 | Rating star | by Isac
Java - Miscellaneous

Tutorial - Making multiple objects work differently

Tutorial - Making multiple objects work differently

In order for your program to be attractive, the user must be able to easily navigate through your program. By creating a GUI the user is presented...

Views: 636 | Rating star | by Simon
Java - Miscellaneous

Convert a GIF to a JPG in Java

Convert a GIF to a JPG in Java

This tutorial shows how to use the ImageIO API to convert a GIF to a JPG image in Java.

Views: 867 | Rating star | by Troy
Java - Miscellaneous