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Compositing Render Passes in Eyeon Fusion

Compositing Render Passes in Eyeon Fusion

In this tutorial we will take CG passes from 3D Application, Maya in this case and composite them inside of eyeon fusion.

Views: 950 | Rating star | by Jason
Maya - Using Tools and Scripts

Maya to Mudbox Workflow Part 2 (Video)

Maya to Mudbox Workflow Part 2 (Video)

This tutorial explains the workflow from Maya to Mudbox. Especially focused on preparing 3d model in Maya for importing into Mudbox for digital...

Views: 659 | Rating star | by Mathew
Maya - Modeling

Maya to Mudbox Workflow Part 6 (Video)

Maya to Mudbox Workflow Part 6 (Video)

This tutorial explains the workflow from Maya to Mudbox. Especially focused on preparing 3d model in Maya for importing into Mudbox for digital...

Views: 666 | Rating star | by Source
Maya - Modeling

HDR Lighting in Maya using HDR Shop

HDR Lighting in Maya using HDR Shop

HDR Lighting in Maya using HDR Shop, and the LightGen Plugin: The barebones approach to quickly get started with HDR lighting

Views: 967 | Rating star | by Colin
Maya - Lighting



i'm an engineer but working on maya as my interest.I would like to work on several fields of maya.

Views: 652 | Rating star | by John
Maya - Textures and Materials

rendering glass

rendering glass

in this tutorial we are rendering a glass using mentalray in maya and ...

Views: 756 | Rating star | by John
Maya - Textures and Materials

Modeling Kempston Pro Joystick using Autodesk Maya

Modeling Kempston Pro Joystick using Autodesk Maya

In this tutorial you will learn how to model kempston pro joystick using polygons and NURBS. For a Reference image you can search in Google Images....

Views: 632 | Rating star | by John
Maya - Modeling

full human character modeling

full human character modeling

full human character modeling from head until shoe

Views: 655 | Rating star | by Jason
Maya - Modeling

Realistic Looking Onion

Realistic Looking Onion

Having the appropriate options and offering best working environment, making an onion in Maya makes it perfect for creating such objects.

Views: 728 | Rating star | by Source
Maya - Modeling

Rubber Tire, material, texture make it real

Rubber Tire, material, texture make it real

Create a rubber tire by following the steps given in this 3D studio max tutorial and bring it together with your own sense of creativity.

Views: 674 | Rating star | by Jason
Maya - Modeling

Using Projection Mapping in Maya

Using Projection Mapping in Maya

Projection mapping is a feature that allows you to project 2D texture with an object called placement node, so you don't need to worry about...

Views: 644 | Rating star | by Steve
Maya - Textures and Materials

Object spreading methods using Maya

Object spreading methods using Maya

This article demonstrates five methods to spread objects in maya from author's own experience/analysis and some talking boards threads.

Views: 965 | Rating star | by Ben
Maya - Scripting

Model a Rocket with Particle Trail in Maya

Model a Rocket with Particle Trail in Maya

This tutorial shows you how to create a rocket using NURBS, animate its movement using path curve and make a simple smoke trail.

Views: 670 | Rating star | by Adam
Maya - Animation

Rendering in Layers in Maya

Rendering in Layers in Maya

This tutorial shows you how to use render layers in maya for composition of the final image.

Views: 623 | Rating star | by Adam
Maya - Textures and Materials

Creating Gears in Maya

Creating Gears in Maya

This tutorial shows you two ways of creating gear models.

Views: 661 | Rating star | by Mathew
Maya - Modeling

Using Sun and Sky in mental ray with Maya

Using Sun and Sky in mental ray with Maya

This tutorial will teach you to use Maya8.5 new Sun and Sky system wuith Mental Ray.

Views: 908 | Rating star | by Colin
Maya - Lighting

modeling leg and shoe

modeling leg and shoe

tutorial series 3 modeling human character leg and shoe

Views: 721 | Rating star | by Nick
Maya - Modeling

Table Cloth material

Table Cloth material

Yet another useful object.Both for beginners and skilled experts this guideline`s illustrations comply every demand.

Views: 660 | Rating star | by Nick
Maya - Modeling

modeling human head

modeling human head

tutorial series 1 modeling human head character

Views: 712 | Rating star | by Isac
Maya - Modeling

modeling body part

modeling body part

tutorial series 2 modeling human character body parts

Views: 647 | Rating star | by Jason
Maya - Modeling