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[Video]Texture Painting in SoftImageXSI - Part 2

[Video]Texture Painting in SoftImageXSI - Part 2

This tutorial will teach you how to paint textures in the SoftImage XSI 3D program. It is the second video of a two part series.

Views: 583 | Rating star | by Marry
Maya - Textures and Materials

Light Tutorial - Part 3

Light Tutorial - Part 3

The source of all our natural light is the sun, however it takes on different characteristics at different times of day and in different weather...

Views: 942 | Rating star | by Sarah
Maya - Lighting

Muscle Rigging

Muscle Rigging

Maya tutorial that will show you how to create muscles that will contract and expand a muscle a few frames before the limb moves. A simple...

Views: 701 | Rating star | by Stephen
Maya - Animation

Duplicate Along a Curve in Maya - Tip&Trick

Duplicate Along a Curve in Maya - Tip&Trick

This video presents a simple technique to duplicate objects along a curve.

Views: 685 | Rating star | by Jason
Maya - Modeling

Fast and Easy SSS Fake in Maya

Fast and Easy SSS Fake in Maya

This tutorial explains a fast and easy way to fake sss effects in Maya.

Views: 747 | Rating star | by Mark
Maya - Textures and Materials

[Video] Use Maya Expression to Create Clock Animation

[Video] Use Maya Expression to Create Clock Animation

This video presents a way to create a clock animation by using Maya expression.

Views: 608 | Rating star | by Amy
Maya - Animation

Stretchy Arm Skeleton

Stretchy Arm Skeleton

This tutorials covers building a hi-res multi joint skeleton which is driven by a simple IK skeleton, and how to make it stretchable. You will need...

Views: 930 | Rating star | by Sean
Maya - Character Setup

 Making Tank Threads using a script... and a bit more

Making Tank Threads using a script... and a bit more

Ever wondered how to make tank treads? There’s no easy way. But there is help.

Views: 787 | Rating star | by Sarah
Maya - Scripting

mia_roundCorners mental ray node - new in maya 8.5

mia_roundCorners mental ray node - new in maya 8.5

in this tutorial i'll show you in depth how to use the mia_roundCorners node newly introduced into maya 8.5 to create smooth edges (for high...

Views: 1098 | Rating star | by Mathew
Maya - Tips and Techniques

VIDEO TUTORIAL: ZDepth & Height GrayScale represention

VIDEO TUTORIAL: ZDepth & Height GrayScale represention

In this maya video tutorial i'll explain in depth, how to create GrayScale representation of ZDepth as well as Height fields, using many...

Views: 907 | Rating star | by Troy
Maya - Effects

Making Low Poly Game Character Hair

Making Low Poly Game Character Hair

This tutorial is about making lowpoly women's hair for game characters but the technique work for men's hair as well.

Views: 630 | Rating star | by Mathew
Maya - Textures and Materials

Growing Flowers in Maya

Growing Flowers in Maya

This tutorial will show you how to create growing flowers from surface in Maya, the flowers will gradually randomly grow up and will retain their...

Views: 957 | Rating star 3 | by Slicer
Maya - Effects

 Making a Blizzard

Making a Blizzard

This tutorial will show you how to make simple blizzard in Maya using particle instancer. Before starting this tutorial its good idea to look at...

Views: 1017 | Rating star | by Slicer
Maya - Scripting

Urban Modeling

Urban Modeling

Polygonal modeling using Maya 8.5. Though this is not a step-by=step tutorial, it offers a general modeling technique for a New York style urban...

Views: 707 | Rating star | by Jarry
Maya - Modeling

Roman Shield

Roman Shield

Covers the modeling of a rectangular style roman shield using polygons. Simple enough for a beginner with general understanding of maneuvering...

Views: 691 | Rating star | by Slicer
Maya - Modeling

Breaking Subsurface Scattering into Render Layers in Maya

Breaking Subsurface Scattering into Render Layers in Maya

Method to break Miss_fast_skin_maya subsurface shader into render layer and compositing them in post.

Views: 700 | Rating star | by Jarry
Maya - Textures and Materials

Getting started with MentalRay Final Gather

Getting started with MentalRay Final Gather

This tutorial was designed to teach anyone who is interested in rendering with Mental Ray's Final Gather but was either scared to learn or...

Views: 929 | Rating star | by Colin
Maya - Lighting

Star Wars Hailfire Droid

Star Wars Hailfire Droid

this is a Free Maya video tutorial by cgwhat on how to model a Star Wars Hailfire Droid really cool from start to end but free, tutorial is 4H 15M...

Views: 6285 | Rating star 4 | by Sarah
Maya - Modeling

Creating Releastic Light Lamp

Creating Releastic Light Lamp

In this tutorial we will walk you through the process of creating believable Lamplight using Maya. To give lamp realistic effect we just can’t put...

Views: 984 | Rating star 1 | by Mark
Maya - Lighting

Maya to Mudbox Workflow Part 4 (Video)

Maya to Mudbox Workflow Part 4 (Video)

This tutorial explains the workflow from Maya to Mudbox. Especially focused on preparing 3d model in Maya for importing into Mudbox for digital...

Views: 647 | Rating star | by Daniel
Maya - Modeling