This tutorial will teach you how to manipulate the flow of particles from a shower head into a tub as particles collide with the surface of the tub...
This tutorial will show how to using smooth bind.Using smooth bind creates a skin in which each point is influenced by a number of joints. This...
Views: 966 |
| by Simon
Maya - Modeling
learn how to create automatic mapping for a polygon texture in maya.
Here is a cool tutorial on making a lava shader effect.
In this tutorial we will animate a group of missiles being shot towards the sky using the 'Instancers' features in Maya.
Views: 1006 |
| by Jarry
Maya - Animation
In this tutorial I'm going to show how to make slicing effect using simple shading networks.
This tutorial will explain how to use Maya polygons to create dragon.
Views: 987 |
| by Simon
Maya - Modeling
In this tutorial I'm going to show how to create polygon tower in Maya.
Views: 1015 |
| by Steve
Maya - Modeling
modelling a lantern with nurbs
Views: 1262 |
| by Ben
Maya - Modeling
In this tutorial we will learn about creating double sided materials using sampler info utility. We will use condition node and flipped normal...
In this tutorial we will learn how to make a glass shader using ramp, anisotropic shaders and sampler info utility.
In this tutorial we will learn about making eye texture in Maya using ramp and fractal maps.
Right now, I'm making one huge spaceship, so I'm going to show you some methods I'm using for building it.
Views: 902 |
| by Slicer
Maya - Modeling
Examples of True Displacement How to create Displacement maps? One of the things that the Renderman power lies behind is True Displacement. Using...
In this tutorial I will explain how to make ship in Maya using Nurbs curves, surfaces and poly geometry.
Views: 1028 |
| by Isac
Maya - Modeling
This tutorial will explain how to use rigid bodies, forces and particles to create a shatter effect.
Views: 1018 |
| by Isac
Maya - Effects
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to model a chain gun and control rig for firing and aiming using basic MEL scripts.
Views: 1075 |
| by Slicer
Maya - Modeling
In this tutorial I will show you how to use nurbs curves and surfaces to build simple axe.
Views: 1014 |
| by Mathew
Maya - Modeling
This tutorial will show you how to animate gear motion relative to motion of the other cog.
Views: 975 |
| by Daniel
Maya - Modeling
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make terrain, trees and grass using Maya.
Views: 965 |
| by Nick
Maya - Modeling