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Charming Python: Parsing with the SimpleParse module

Charming Python: Parsing with the SimpleParse module

Many parsing tools have been written for Python. This column discusses a high-level parsing language built on top of Python. SimpleParse provides...

Views: 1489 | Rating star | by Marry
Python - Miscellaneous

Python for the PalmOS

Python for the PalmOS

Pippy is a port of (a subset of) Python to the PalmOS. With Pippy, Python programmers can create custom applications to run on Palm devices, as...

Views: 1607 | Rating star | by Sean
Python - Miscellaneous

A quick look at Python modules

A quick look at Python modules

This article introduces the idea of importing Python modules that manage many common and/or special tasks that you would otherwise have to write...

Views: 1737 | Rating star | by Donald
Python - Miscellaneous