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CalendarGrid lets you build output like a calendar, with padding days at the beginning and end of months, just like `cal`

Views: 1595 | Rating star | by John
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Getting started with Ruby on Rails

Getting started with Ruby on Rails

As a newbie, getting started with Rails was tricky without some help from the IRC folks. If you get stuck, that's a good place for help, as...

Views: 1550 | Rating star | by Donald
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Learning Ruby

Learning Ruby

A complete guide to getting started with Ruby on Rails.

Views: 1564 | Rating star | by Brad
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Ruby for Perl programmers

Ruby for Perl programmers

An introduction to Ruby for those already familiar with Perl.

Views: 1521 | Rating star | by Troy
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Login & Authentication Generator

Login & Authentication Generator

A controller/model/view generator for easily adding authentication, users, and logins to your rails app.

Views: 1531 | Rating star | by Source
Ruby on Rails - Security

Interactive Ruby on Rails beginning tutorial

Interactive Ruby on Rails beginning tutorial

Follow an interactive online RoR tutorial to get you started. What's even more cool is you can use the web based Ruby coding window to test...

Views: 1585 | Rating star | by Sean
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Ruby and MySql

Ruby and MySql

This tutorial shows how to use the mysql-ruby module to access MySql databases from Ruby.

Views: 1528 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Ruby on Rails - Database Related

Automatically Saving Drafts Using Periodically_Call_Remote

Automatically Saving Drafts Using Periodically_Call_Remote

If you write for a large article-driven web site, you will invariably accidentally lose a whole post. You then have a two basic options: you can...

Views: 1565 | Rating star | by Troy
Ruby on Rails - Database Related

Deploying Ruby On Rails

Deploying Ruby On Rails

This article is an introduction to the installation and deployment of Ruby on Rails.

Views: 1565 | Rating star | by Source
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

How Set Up Ruby on Rails in Windows

How Set Up Ruby on Rails in Windows

This is a quick tutorial detailing how to set up Ruby on Rails under Windows.

Views: 1490 | Rating star | by Brad
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Beginning Relationships in Rails

Beginning Relationships in Rails

The foundation of any good application is proper relationships. This tutorial will get you started in the right direction.

Views: 1575 | Rating star | by Adam
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

What to do about 500 errors

What to do about 500 errors

Getting annoying 500 Errors in your Ruby on Rails app? Learn what to do to fix the problem.

Views: 1519 | Rating star | by Isac
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Paginating Collections in Rails

Paginating Collections in Rails

Learn how to paginate in Ruby on Rails.

Views: 1476 | Rating star | by Brad
Ruby on Rails - Helpers

How to Install Rails on Ubuntu Linux

How to Install Rails on Ubuntu Linux

A quick primer on installing Ruby on Rails in Ubuntu Linux--should work with other Debian-based installations.

Views: 1460 | Rating star | by Ben
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Using Ruby Blocks for Custom Rails Tags

Using Ruby Blocks for Custom Rails Tags

How to use ruby's block mechanism to create custom tags in Rails.

Views: 1537 | Rating star | by Mathew
Ruby on Rails - Helpers

How to set up Typo 4 on shared hosting

How to set up Typo 4 on shared hosting

Your host doesn't have the Typo gem? Don't fret, installing Typo 4 is easy, just follow this tutorials and you'll be up and running...

Views: 1474 | Rating star | by Colin
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Setting up Mongrel and mod_proxy on a CPanel server

Setting up Mongrel and mod_proxy on a CPanel server

Learn how to set up Mongrel and mod_proxy on a cPanel server and liberate yourself from FastCGI.

Views: 1376 | Rating star | by Brad
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Test Helpers: Refactoring a Validation Test

Test Helpers: Refactoring a Validation Test

Use this guide to create a library of helper methods to make your Rails unit testing easier.

Views: 1367 | Rating star | by Daniel
Ruby on Rails - Helpers

Understanding Your Code

Understanding Your Code

If you've ever tried to hack together code from external sources it helps to make sure you understand how it works before you put it to use....

Views: 1466 | Rating star | by Mark
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

How To Use the Exception Notifier Plugin for Ruby on Rails

How To Use the Exception Notifier Plugin for Ruby on Rails

This quick tutorial will show you how to set up the Ruby on Rails Exception Notifier plugin which will alert you of errors in your app.

Views: 1465 | Rating star | by Daniel
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started