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How To Add Search to Your Rails Application

How To Add Search to Your Rails Application

Learn how to add search to your Ruby on Rails models using ferret.

Views: 1004 | Rating star | by Daniel
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

eRuby: Getting Started with Ruby on the Web

eRuby: Getting Started with Ruby on the Web

How to setup a windows development PC and a shared web host so you can start developing Ruby web applications in the same way you do PHP, embedded...

Views: 938 | Rating star | by Nick
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

eRuby: Using Ruby DBI for database connectivity

eRuby: Using Ruby DBI for database connectivity

If you want create a dynamic web page that works on more than just MySQL then try Ruby DBI. Ruby DBI will help you create a single database...

Views: 918 | Rating star | by Jarry
Ruby on Rails - Database Related

eRuby: Getting Started with Ruby on Windows IIS

eRuby: Getting Started with Ruby on Windows IIS

Yes, you can run Ruby on Windows and eRuby on Windows IIS web servers. Ruby has many features to process text files and to do system management...

Views: 933 | Rating star | by John
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

eRuby: Using Ruby PostgreSQL and MySQL on Windows

eRuby: Using Ruby PostgreSQL and MySQL on Windows

If you are a Windows user then listen up. There are solutions for Ruby and MySQL on Windows. Roderick Von domburg has a project for this and the...

Views: 910 | Rating star | by Adam
Ruby on Rails - Database Related

Using Embedded Ruby on Web Pages

Using Embedded Ruby on Web Pages

Ruby on Rails is gaining popularity. But what if you are like me and want to use Ruby but really hate the command line? What if you don't want...

Views: 1027 | Rating star | by Stephen
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

eRuby: Using Ruby and MySQL for dynamic web pages

eRuby: Using Ruby and MySQL for dynamic web pages

In a previous tutorial you learned how to get started using the Ruby language as a web scripting language by embedding it in HTML. You need some...

Views: 958 | Rating star | by John
Ruby on Rails - Database Related

Learning Ruby

Learning Ruby

A thorough collection of Ruby study notes for those who are new to the language and in search of a solid introduction to Ruby's concepts and...

Views: 1068 | Rating star | by Troy
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

XSS and when h just ain't enough

XSS and when h just ain't enough

How to guard against cross site scripting in Ruby on Rails.

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Source
Ruby on Rails - Security

HOWTO: Make a Rails Plugin From Scratch

HOWTO: Make a Rails Plugin From Scratch

Learn how to make a Ruby on Rails plugin step by step.

Views: 897 | Rating star | by Nick
Ruby on Rails - Helpers

Refactoring on Rails: Move to Model

Refactoring on Rails: Move to Model

Learn how to refactor by taking logic out of the view and moving it to the controller, cleaning up the view in the process.

Views: 904 | Rating star | by Amy
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Refactoring on Rails: Multiple Scopes in Controller

Refactoring on Rails: Multiple Scopes in Controller

Introduction to a couple of refactoring methods for Ruby on Rails.

Views: 839 | Rating star | by Simon
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Creating Two Models in One Form

Creating Two Models in One Form

Learn how to create a form that can handle two models.

Views: 905 | Rating star | by Mark
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Editing Multiple Models in One Form

Editing Multiple Models in One Form

This tutorial shows you how to edit a project and all of its tasks in one form.

Views: 951 | Rating star | by Simon
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Creating Many Models in One Form

Creating Many Models in One Form

Learn how to create many models in a single form.

Views: 929 | Rating star | by Steve
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Creating a Variable Number of Models in One Form

Creating a Variable Number of Models in One Form

Learn how to add/remove tasks in the same form using JavaScript and RJS.

Views: 894 | Rating star | by Ben
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Test Helper: Clean, Custom Assertion Messages

Test Helper: Clean, Custom Assertion Messages

Creating clean, custom assertion messages in Rails.

Views: 817 | Rating star | by Ben
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Debugging on Rails: Reading Stack Traces

Debugging on Rails: Reading Stack Traces

Learn the basics of reading a stack trace.

Views: 866 | Rating star | by David
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Introduction to Form Helpers

Introduction to Form Helpers

A handy introduction to Ruby on Rails form helpers.

Views: 900 | Rating star | by Troy
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Programming Best Practices

Programming Best Practices

A general tutorial about programming best practices that isn't specific to Rails, but certainly is something all Rails programmers should read.

Views: 886 | Rating star | by Daniel
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started