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Advice to Rails Beginners: Follow Conventions

Advice to Rails Beginners: Follow Conventions

An introduction to Ruby and Rails conventions that all Rails beginners should learn to follow.

Views: 834 | Rating star | by Simon
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Handy RJS Tips

Handy RJS Tips

Some handy under documented RJS tips and tricks.

Views: 917 | Rating star | by Slicer
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Using Autotest with Rails on Windows XP machines

Using Autotest with Rails on Windows XP machines

Learn how to use Autotest for Rails in a Windows XP environment.

Views: 863 | Rating star | by Colin
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Image uploads and resizing for Rails models with mini-magick

Image uploads and resizing for Rails models with mini-magick

Upload and resize images with mini-magick in Ruby on Rails.

Views: 958 | Rating star | by Slicer
Ruby on Rails - Image Manipulation

HOWTO: Send Instant Messages in Rails

HOWTO: Send Instant Messages in Rails

Learn how to send instant messages from Rails to a Jabber IM client.

Views: 806 | Rating star | by David
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Getting Started With RESTful Rails

Getting Started With RESTful Rails

An in-depth look at RESTful programming in Rails.

Views: 926 | Rating star | by Steve
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Rails Migration For Beginners

Rails Migration For Beginners

A beginners tutorial on how to use migrations in your Ruby on Rails app.

Views: 943 | Rating star | by Colin
Ruby on Rails - Database Related

User Management Using Salted Hash Login Generator

User Management Using Salted Hash Login Generator

A simple tutorial on how to use the Salted Hash Login Generator for RoR beginners.

Views: 808 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Full Ruby on Rails Tutorial that Anyone can Edit

Full Ruby on Rails Tutorial that Anyone can Edit

This is a beginners guide to the Ruby language. You will find detailed charts, graphs and diagrams to help you understand what you are reading. The...

Views: 1082 | Rating star | by Mark
Ruby on Rails - Security

A Complete Guide for  Ruby on Rails

A Complete Guide for Ruby on Rails

This tutorial will teach you Ruby on Rails step by step.

Views: 868 | Rating star | by Jarry
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Learn how to upload files using Rails

Learn how to upload files using Rails

This tutorial gives you complete understanding on how to upload files using Rails

Views: 996 | Rating star | by Nick
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Learn how to send emails using Rails

Learn how to send emails using Rails

This tutorial gives you complete understanding on how to send emails using Rails

Views: 973 | Rating star | by Sean
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Learn how to use Rails Scaffolding

Learn how to use Rails Scaffolding

This tutorial gives you complete understanding on how to develop Rails Applications using Rails Scaffolding

Views: 914 | Rating star | by Sean
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

A complete  quick reference guide for Rails Developers

A complete quick reference guide for Rails Developers

A complete quick reference guide for Rails Developers. Listing all the important functions concepts at one page.

Views: 846 | Rating star | by Mathew
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Ruby on Rails Resources

Ruby on Rails Resources

A page giving you direct links to important resources related to Ruby on Rails

Views: 970 | Rating star | by Mark
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

A tutorial on Ruby on Rails Installation

A tutorial on Ruby on Rails Installation

A tutorial on Ruby on Rails Installation on various platforms like Linux, Windows and Mac System

Views: 886 | Rating star | by Jason
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Making a blog app (with comments) in Rails

Making a blog app (with comments) in Rails

I'm a ruby and rails newcomer, and for my wordpress blog 'nubyonrails' decided to work through David Heinemeier Hansson's...

Views: 851 | Rating star | by Sean
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Ruby Sockets Programming

Ruby Sockets Programming

Learn Ruby basics as well as the most important classes for sockets programming, and then look at a working chat application that illustrates these...

Views: 861 | Rating star | by David
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

How to search with acts_as_ferret

How to search with acts_as_ferret

This is a basic example of how to use ferret, acts_as_ferret, and will_paginate to implement search functionality in a Ruby on Rails application.

Views: 866 | Rating star | by Nick
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

How to set a character limit for a Ruby on Rails RSS feeds

How to set a character limit for a Ruby on Rails RSS feeds

I was making a RSS feed the other day and wanted to limit the number of characters in my description. Here is how I did it.

Views: 872 | Rating star | by Sean
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started