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Classes and objects in PHP

Classes and objects in PHP

There are many ways to create programming code. One of the easiest but most powerful is to start using object oriented way to think and work. I...

Views: 973 | Rating star 3 | by Colin

Classes and OOP in PHP

Classes and OOP in PHP

This tutorial is a starting point to Object orientated programming (OOP) which is a commonly used term when discussing modern programming...

Views: 1003 | Rating star | by Source

Intro To Object Oriented Programming

Intro To Object Oriented Programming

A beginners guide to Object Oriented programming in PHP. Learn the basic ideas of object, and learn how to create classes and fucntion

Views: 1020 | Rating star | by Daniel

Intro To Object Oriented: Creating Your First Class

Intro To Object Oriented: Creating Your First Class

Create a basic class and fucntion using object oriented php

Views: 897 | Rating star | by Stephen

Functions, Classes and Objects

Functions, Classes and Objects

This guide should be enough information to get you started using objects and classes in php, with a quick review of functions. We will be working...

Views: 963 | Rating star | by Mark

Creating A Scaffold-like Class in PHP or An Automatic CMS For a Table

Creating A Scaffold-like Class in PHP or An Automatic CMS For a Table

If you’ve ever seen the Creating a Weblog In 15 Minutes movie, you were undoubtedly startled at how useful and quick the scaffold command could...

Views: 895 | Rating star | by Isac

Introduction To Classes and Object Oriented Programming

Introduction To Classes and Object Oriented Programming

Learn a quick introduction to OOP (Object Oriented Programming). We will be creating a small class for fun to demonstrate how it all works.

Views: 919 | Rating star | by Jarry

Introduction to OOP

Introduction to OOP

OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming

Views: 885 | Rating star | by Marry

Object Oriented PHP

Object Oriented PHP

This tutorial will teach you all the basic concepts related to Object Oriented PHP.

Views: 936 | Rating star | by Jarry

Advanced PHP: How to use the Singleton Design Pattern

Advanced PHP: How to use the Singleton Design Pattern

The Singleton Pattern is one of the GoF (Gang of Four) Patterns. This particular pattern provides a method for limiting the number of instances of...

Views: 840 | Rating star | by Jarry

Part 2: Giving our Currency Conversion Script some Responsibility

Part 2: Giving our Currency Conversion Script some Responsibility

Since the first article I submitted to Digg was voted onto the front page a couple of days ago, we're going to add onto the script and make it...

Views: 843 | Rating star | by Brad

Advanced PHP: Using Abstract Classes to Define Rules

Advanced PHP: Using Abstract Classes to Define Rules

The way i visualize this is to think that i am entering into an 'agreement' between me and PHP. In other words, I have defined a list of...

Views: 917 | Rating star | by Troy

Advanced PHP: Using the Factory Pattern

Advanced PHP: Using the Factory Pattern

The factory method pattern is an object-oriented design pattern. Like other creational patterns, it deals with the problem of creating objects...

Views: 926 | Rating star | by Sean

Marrying the Zend Framework and HTML Ajax

Marrying the Zend Framework and HTML Ajax

This tutorial describes what to do in order to be able to instantiate controllers in the Zend Framework, the goal is to be able to make instances...

Views: 888 | Rating star | by Jason

Basics of Object Oriented Programming

Basics of Object Oriented Programming

This tutorial is aimed at an audience unfamiliar with the basic concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). The intent is to provide a general...

Views: 927 | Rating star | by Mark

FTP Administration with full logging via PHP

FTP Administration with full logging via PHP

Sometimes, when working on complex projects, you may need to store files on different servers. This can be easily done via FTP. The logging process...

Views: 952 | Rating star | by Donald

Game Creation - Using Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Game Creation - Using Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Learn where and how you can use OOP in making strategy MMOGs. Learn how to use OOP effectivley and see working code examples of game-code.

Views: 877 | Rating star | by Isac

Basics of OOP

Basics of OOP

This tutorial assumes you have a decent knowledge of PHP. You will learn the basic concepts of OOP and their uses.

Views: 949 | Rating star | by Isac

Advanced PHP: Working with Interfaces

Advanced PHP: Working with Interfaces

When you create an interface, you're basically creating a prototype/blueprint of functions that classes using the interface must implement in...

Views: 912 | Rating star | by Jason

Using Exceptions to Provide Better Feedback

Using Exceptions to Provide Better Feedback

Within this article, we'll be taking a closer inspection of exceptions, as requested by the lovely Haris. This will be a basic exceptions...

Views: 906 | Rating star | by Isac