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PHP+GD Progress Bar Demo

PHP+GD Progress Bar Demo

This demo shows how to create dynamic progress bar images using the PHP GD functions.

Views: 1025 | Rating star | by Donald
PHP - Image Manipulation

Creating Images

Creating Images

How to use the GD Graphics Library to create an image within a PHP script. PHP supports the GD Graphics Libarary which, created by Thomas Boutell,...

Views: 1023 | Rating star | by Mathew
PHP - Image Manipulation

Manipulating Existing Images

Manipulating Existing Images

Another function of the GD Graphics Library is the ability to manipulate images that have already been created and are available on your site....

Views: 1025 | Rating star | by David
PHP - Image Manipulation

PHP+GD Scale & Overlay Demo

PHP+GD Scale & Overlay Demo

This demo shows how to do resizing and overlays using the PHP GD functions.

Views: 1053 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - Image Manipulation

Thumbnails in PHP

Thumbnails in PHP

Depending upon how it's done, displaying a page of thumbnail images can be very cumbersome. Allowing the browser to resize images requires the...

Views: 960 | Rating star | by David
PHP - Image Manipulation

Batch creation of thumbnails with PHP and gd

Batch creation of thumbnails with PHP and gd

This article explains how you use PHP and the gd image library to generate preview pictures (thumbnails) from big images. For single images and...

Views: 910 | Rating star | by Sean
PHP - Image Manipulation

Generating thumbnails on-the-fly with PHP

Generating thumbnails on-the-fly with PHP

This tutorial describes the development and engagement of a thumbnail script step-by-step. It also provides a live demo with statistical overview...

Views: 1040 | Rating star | by Stephen
PHP - Image Manipulation

An intro to using the GD image library with PHP

An intro to using the GD image library with PHP

A brief introduction to the world of image manipulation in PHP using the GD library. This tutorial will guide you through creating a clock that...

Views: 895 | Rating star | by Mathew
PHP - Image Manipulation

Creating an image gallery

Creating an image gallery

This short tutorial will show you how to make a basic image gallery using PHP. The complete code presented.

Views: 993 | Rating star | by Steve
PHP - Image Manipulation

Bar Charts With GD

Bar Charts With GD

This is a comprehensive tutorial on how the graphics capabilities of PHP can be used to create simple bar charts in GIF and PNG format. Each...

Views: 1045 | Rating star | by Slicer
PHP - Image Manipulation

Creating Dynamic Images with PHP

Creating Dynamic Images with PHP

This simple tutorial explains how to create images on the fly using PHP. It presents a simple code which you can use with a TTF font on your site.

Views: 987 | Rating star | by John
PHP - Image Manipulation

Interactive Maps with PHP

Interactive Maps with PHP

This tutorial shows you how to create an interactive image maps using PHP and the GD library. It explains a method to zoom a portion of an image by...

Views: 1027 | Rating star | by Adam
PHP - Image Manipulation

Binary Data + MySQL + PHP

Binary Data + MySQL + PHP

This tutorial will show how you can store the data via the HTML forms 'File' feature in your MySQL database and how you can access and...

Views: 1023 | Rating star | by Jarry
PHP - Image Manipulation

Upload and Resize an Image

Upload and Resize an Image

PHP has the ability to upload files such as documents or images using the multipart/form-data protocol, but how do you use this and how do you...

Views: 981 | Rating star | by Daniel
PHP - Image Manipulation

Dynamic Image Generation with PHP

Dynamic Image Generation with PHP

PHP lets you do a lot more than simply generating HTML content, it is also a great tool to dynamically generate images on-the-fly. For example, you...

Views: 984 | Rating star | by Slicer
PHP - Image Manipulation

Create image with PHP/GD and adding fonts on the fly

Create image with PHP/GD and adding fonts on the fly

This GD Library thing is one of the cool features started from PHP 3.0 , this one page tutorial lets you see the basic concept of GD library`s...

Views: 850 | Rating star | by David
PHP - Image Manipulation

Introduction to PHP Image Functions

Introduction to PHP Image Functions

PHP is not limited to creating just HTML output. It can also be used to create and manipulate image files in a variety of different image formats,...

Views: 897 | Rating star | by Troy
PHP - Image Manipulation

PHP Thumbnail Generation Script

PHP Thumbnail Generation Script

This tutorial focuses on a thumbnail generation script. Rather than generating a smaller representation of the image, it cuts out a section of the...

Views: 925 | Rating star | by Troy
PHP - Image Manipulation

PHP Photo Album script

PHP Photo Album script

This script shows how to use PHP to automate the retrieval of all images within a specific directory, then pass it on to a JavaScript to create a...

Views: 844 | Rating star | by Jarry
PHP - Image Manipulation

Object Oriented Programming: Image Class

Object Oriented Programming: Image Class

Create a class used to upload, and resize images in php.

Views: 756 | Rating star | by Stephen
PHP - Image Manipulation