
Bar Chart with GD Library
Create a dynamic bar chart with PHP and GD Library.
Views: 586 |
| by Mark
PHP - Image Manipulation

PHP Game Creation - Making a Minimap
Learn to create a dynamic minimap to show the locations of players in a PHP Browser Based Game.
Views: 1009 |
| by Troy
PHP - Image Manipulation

Create cropped thumbnails with GD Library
Cropped thumbnails look much better than images that have simply been resized. Click here to learn how to create a cropped thumbnail with a double...
Views: 587 |
| by Marry
PHP - Image Manipulation

New Way to Show Poll Result (GD) PHP
It is useful for displaying Single Result bar for Testimonial, Review, or topic rating. In this article, You will learn how to create Images,...
Views: 617 |
| by Stephen
PHP - Image Manipulation

Water mark images using PHP 5 and GD Library
All you have to do is just copy and paste the code below on to a file name in your localhost. Take two images any of .JPG OR .PNG OR .GIF Here for...
Views: 622 |
| by Donald
PHP - Image Manipulation

How to make custom avatars with php
Learn how to use php to make a customizable avatar. A great and unique feature for any website!
Views: 627 |
| by Source
PHP - Image Manipulation

Watermarking images with PHP
PHP, coupled with Apache rewriting, lets watermark 'on the fly' and transparently, without modifying the original image.
Views: 638 |
| by Donald
PHP - Image Manipulation

Graficos estadisticos con php
A traves de Jpraph, una librería de gráficos matemáticos gratuita, generaremos impresionantes gráficos de tortas y estadísticos.
Views: 573 |
| by Troy
PHP - Image Manipulation

Image Editor
With this script. the user can upload his image and select one from multiple frames in order to add it to his image. The script will not play with...
Views: 584 |
| by Slicer
PHP - Image Manipulation

Dynamic Signature - Get Data from Another Site and Show it in PHP
Learn how you can obtain data from an external site and put it on your desired background, to use as a signature. Since this tutorial will just be...
Views: 604 |
| by Isac
PHP - Image Manipulation

GD Library: Create Image Reflections Using PHPs GD Library
Now this is a pretty simple tutorial on how to create a nice simple reflection on images. This won't show you how to make little ripples just...
Views: 555 |
| by Marry
PHP - Image Manipulation

Creating a Three Dimensional Pie Chart using Googles Chart API
I ran across this great, easy but very useful API a few days ago. Now for the tutorial.. let's assume we make a website for the TalkPHP...
Views: 561 |
| by Donald
PHP - Image Manipulation

PHP GD Library: Captcha and the Alternatives
Most of us have probably encountered a Captcha system on the web in the past few years, sometimes without even knowing it. Captcha systems are...
Views: 615 |
| by Sarah
PHP - Image Manipulation

Hide Your Email (Text To Image)
This tutorial help you to hide your email from spammers and show it in Image Format, or Make your Copy righted text in image format. So No Body Can...
Views: 630 |
| by Sean
PHP - Image Manipulation

Banner Maker
This tutorial will show you how to create a simple 468 x 60 banner online.
Views: 671 |
| by Jason
PHP - Image Manipulation

Getting to know GD
Have you ever been on aim and received a message from one of your friends with a big long URL followed by something like...
Views: 642 |
| by Sarah
PHP - Image Manipulation

Creating images with PHP and the GD extension
Today I am going to cover how to create dynamic images with PHP and the gd extension. Gd allows you to draw many different shapes and put text into...
Views: 633 |
| by Stephen
PHP - Image Manipulation

Dynamic Signature That Connects To a MySQL Database
Learn how to create a dynamic signature that connects to a database to collect infomation and display it.
Views: 666 |
| by Jason
PHP - Image Manipulation

PHP GD Library: Cropping Images whilst Maintaining the Aspect Ratio
An article demonstrating how to crop an image using PHP's GD library, whilst still keeping the aspect ratio as it was originally. This is very...
Views: 584 |
| by Simon
PHP - Image Manipulation

PHP GD Library Walkthrough: Creating a Bar Chart
Ever wanted to become adept in PHP's GD library? This article will show you how to create a bar chart using the PHP GD library.
Views: 583 |
| by Stephen
PHP - Image Manipulation

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